Summer Blues (m/f) (hiking)

I watch as you slowly drag your hand through the grass
you are moving lazily, as if you feel this summer day will last forever
As if we have all the time in the world

You slowly shift on the ground, leaning on your elbow in order to look down into my eyes

I hold your gaze, hoping to permanently preserve the precise color of your eyes into my memory forever

When i look at you its like swimming in the deepest ocean
Free falling into a cloudless sky
You feel infinite and i wish i could lose myself in you forever

The sun is just beginning it’s descent
I close my eyes and try to will last rays of the glowing warmth to seep into my skin before the chill mountain evening engulfs us

As if reading my mind, i feel you shift closer to me and gently wrap an arm over my

Your warmth rapidly spreads through me
And although we are exhausted from the long hike

the heat builds furiously as you begin to work your hands over my body
I am a wild fire, feeling a tingle spark and rapidly spreading between my legs
I open my eyes looking into yours

Categorized as Erotica