Strength of Desire-Out of Body Erotic Sex

I met her on a ceremony, sort of a spiritual ritual involving a South-American plant-based medicine. We started off with just a friendly hi, there were about 12 or so of us, and I had met them for the first time. I had to go through some process to get accepted in this circle, and was excited to go through this experience. Didn’t pay too much attention to her when she arrived. The ceremony started, we kept moving/dancing in ritual moves that we were taught before the start of the ceremony. A few hours into the ceremony, and I start to see things, the man who was beside me was my brother, we were healing from a traumatic event, a rift that happened between us long ago, I didn’t know he was my brother up to that point. She and another young lady are on the opposite side of the circle, doing the ritual dance. I realize the old, priestess-like lady wants me to choose one of them, and we are not speaking a word, the whole conversations are done mentally. The other young lady was Asian, petite; and she on the other hand was white, blonde hairs, with a larger frame. I was taking my time, eventually chose her, just mentally without uttering a word. It wasn’t just happening in my head, right after my choice the old priestess-like lady, brought her in the circle in the exact opposite side from me. She is seeing things that are unbearable for her, I don’t know what exactly she’s seeing, maybe the same things as I am, but it’s just too much for her; I hold steady, so she can mentally use me as an anchor to find her balance. At the same time the old lady goes and holds her, brings her to another side so she can lie down. The ceremony ends, and we are sleeping in a tent. I see her making eye contact with me, I go and ask if she’s feeling better. Now we are speaking through words, and the way she looks at me with awe, I know she saw what I saw. Ladies and men sleep on the separate side of the tent. There was so much sexual tension built b/w the two of us. As we go to sleep, I’m filled with my desire to be in sexual union with her; I know it’s mutual. That strong desire turns into a force, the force is so strong that it jolts me out of my body. I check around the room, looking for her.

Categorized as Erotica

Translate My Spirit into Your Soul’s Language

Get To Know How I Sculpt Your Creation In My Mind, Then Manifest You with A Perfect Mixture of Intensity and Patience.

I see you (the especial one), you may not consciously know what’s going to happen yet, if the vision of the final creation fancies me enough, I’ll work at it with a brutal determination that words wouldn’t be able to describe. If it doesn’t fancy me enough to that intensity, I’ll rejoice the creation only in that moment.

You may not be aware of it yet, the most important part of the process already happened after seeing you, you are already sculpted in my mind. External charm that is necessary for smooth interaction with nature, is mixed with the bold mind that knows no shame or guilt.

The spirit now is conscious of a possibility that excites it. Ask the spirit questions, give him a vision of your nature, your environment; then with great eagerness ask him how he’d sculpt you; eagerness is important. Your eagerness fuels the spirit to sculpt faster in the dimension of time. The spirit is timeless, and patient; this aspect of the spirit may be difficult for you to grasp, but your beautiful possibilities fall in the dimension of time; time is more important for your breath-taking possibilities; so you must seize it with extraordinary haste, a spirit that you can discover its great manifestation through yourself. Your haste, the spirit’s patience, and the intensity of both, expedites the evolution process. Gift your soul with a timeless expression, before this moment is taken away from you.

Categorized as Erotica

[M4F] There’s Only An Hour Left

This was inspired by a post asking something like “What would you do if you had the one time power to talk to your 15 year old self, with the caveat that you get a minute”. I thought it’s powerful, and the creative part in me, connected it with an erotic version. Here it is!

You see a person who interests you, maybe you are curious about him, or maybe you like him, it doesn’t matter if your affinity towards him is positive or negative, you just have some sort of affinity. When we have an affinity towards something, sometimes it’s b/c we have this innate urge to understand it, not just mentally, but often more than just that.

Categorized as Erotica

[M4F] BDSM Levels

Here’s how this’d work. I have 10 levels of bdsm acts which I put you through progressively. When you sing up for this, automatically you’ll be expressing consent for the first level. After you have done the first level, you have gained the right to either 1-enter the second level or 2-leave with your prize, which is the level you earned; 3- another option is to hear the challenge but leave. The first and second options are honorable ways to play this game! The 3rd option is sort of cheap, but of course you could do this as well.

My challenge would be to master determining these steps in a way that the level of difficulty, matches your ability.

I wrote this quickly, I’ll likely improve the idea, but the idea as it stands is good enough for us to get started playing this game.

Edit1: I prefer DM better than the chat option, as it helps me compile and organize my ideas better.

Edit2: I now have to leave. I appreciate your support of the prompt. If you like the prompt, still feel free to upvote it; feedbacks are welcome, feel free to DM me on that.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[MF] I wanna dominate you; but I’d allow you to dominate me, if you can

Maybe feminists inspire me to write this.

Maybe a long-forgotten scene from Troy in which Briseis had a knife on the sleeping Achilles throat, that I remembered as I was writing this []( inspired me.

I’d give you an equal amount of time as you’d give me, for you to dominate me, in whatever way you want; physical, emotional, mental, whatever… I don’t enjoy giving you this prerogative; rather I do it as a dare; I especially urge the feminist among you, those who want equality. Let your nature do whatever it desire with a man; and then I’ll do the same, I’ll have my way with you.

It’s your human right, not to accept the dare; but when you do, it’s you, me, and our word.

Categorized as Erotica