How a Weird Cute Girl Cured my Depression. [MW] [Fdom] [mast] [reluc] [voy]

Call me Steve. I’m an average-looking, although lean, 26 years year old male.

A few months ago I moved to Sydney after completing my engineering degree and – let’s face facts – after my girlfriend, Jai, dumped me for another guy. Apparently, I was always studying and not being attentive to her needs. Her “needs” often centred on her interests, her friends and, well, shopping. I’m not bitter about her choosing somebody else, in truth, I did make my studies as a priority, but also I did love that girl, and I was depressed as hell for losing her. Moving to Sydney and into a tiny little inner-city flat while I looked for work didn’t help. I did low paying intern work during the day, and at night watched TV and moped.

It was a Tuesday night about 6.00 pm when there came a lazy rapping on my door. I sighed as I was about to do something and didn’t wish to be interrupted. But, as I never got visitors I was curious as to who might be knocking at this hour. Please don’t let it be religious nuts.

The Long Trail [MF] [Fdom]

Almost a year ago I broke up with my long-term girlfriend. If it is ok with you, I’d rather not mention her name because, well, I took some rather drastic measures to try and forget her. How drastic, you ask? Ok, after six months of self-indulgent misery I decided to go for a walk. A long walk… a very long walk. Six months ago I began a 12 month walk along the Appalachian Trail – 2190 miles across 14 States. At the time of this tale, I was roughly halfway finished after starting out in Maine and was roughly near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (I think, anyway, there are very few signposts out in the wilderness.) During that time I became a different man. I’m 29 years old, medium height, fair complexion and most women would probably think that I was reasonably attractive. I say reasonably, because I’ve not always been that way these last few months. Sometimes I rock a ludicrous hillbilly beard because, well, on the long trail personal grooming is not the first order of business. Also, I often smell a bit – its honest and fresh BO of course, because washing and bathing is to be found only where you can find it. At those times when I can’t stand myself looking or smelling like a polecat I take myself into some small town and get a haircut and wash my clothes. Other times I mostly just strip off and jump into some beautiful and clean mountain stream when the weather is warm. If the mood takes me and the scenery is kind I may spend a few days letting my body recover from the endless tramping up and down the mountain tracks. Back home I own a small software company. You would never have heard of it, but it has made me more money than I can usefully spend. As a company director I had been living a soft life and, well, I used to be a tiny bit pudgy. No more though. A thousand hard miles behind me and an avoidance of all form of modern conveniences such as fast-food or motor vehicles, I have never been fitter. My body was as hard as a slab of concrete.

The Argument [MF] [bd] [oral] [fdom]

“Did you remember to pick up my coat from the dry cleaners?” my girlfriend, Annette, asked as she briskly walked into the room?

I didn’t even hear her come in as I was playing an old Counterstrike game when I should have been doing a collage assignment. I told her this morning that I would be finishing it that afternoon.

“For fuck’s sake, Cliff, you forgot, didn’t you”? she asked, looking annoyed as hell.

“Is that the time?” I asked, looking at my watch, already going into my whole ‘pretend I forgot’ routine.

“Don’t even”, she said, disappearing into the kitchen. It is going to be one of those afternoons, I thought.

I was wrong.

I was going to get up and follow her into the bedroom and try and worm my way back into her good books again, but I saw a chance to take out a bad guy on the roof of a factory. I hate campers with sniper rifles.

After the Game [M] [Mast]

I came home after football practice – or “soccer” – to those who give a shit about it. I was tired, sweaty and had one shin badly raked by spikes in a tight tackle gone wrong. Don’t fret; I absolutely hammed the fucker who did it to me about 15 minutes later.

I half limped over to the fridge to see what I might snack for supper. Nothing worth eating, perhaps a takeaway curry later? We’ll see, not too hungry at the moment anyway. Nothing on the telly either, and my girlfriend has been away visiting her mother in Cardiff. Slightly bored, I was, so what was a 21 year old feller to do? As I hadn’t had any action (other than footy) for days, an answer to this burning question was not very far away.
I peeled off my guernsey, lay on the bed and fired up my laptop. You know what I had in mind just as well as I did.

After Practice Pleasure [NSFW] [M] [mast]

I came home after football practice – or “soccer” – to those who give a shit about using their own terms. I was tired, sweaty and had one shin badly raked by spikes in a tight tackle gone wrong. Don’t fret; I absolutely hammed the fucker who did it to me about 15 minutes later.

I half limped over to the fridge to see what I might snack for supper. Nothing worth eating, perhaps a takeaway curry later? We’ll see, not too hungry at the moment anyway. Nothing on the telly either, and my girlfriend has been away visiting her mother in Cardiff. Slightly bored, I was, so what was a 21 year old feller to do? As I hadn’t had any action (other than footy) for days, an answer to this burning question was not very far away.

I peeled off my guernsey, lay on the bed and fired up my laptop. You know what I had in mind just as well as I did.

The Turning [NSFW] [M/F] [Oral]

I was enjoying a quiet sit down in the park that Thursday afternoon, coffee in hand and the sun on my face. A perfectly, warm autumn day. I took a sip of coffee.

“Ah-BOO!” my interloper yelled from behind me.

I almost dropped my takeaway cup on my lap, dislodging the lid in the process. Coffee dripped through my fingers and sprinkled over my shirt.

“Hello Kelly. You’re late”, I said, ignoring the provocation. It would never do to appear rattled with this one. She would enjoy it too much.

The girl sat down on the grass next to me and took a cup of takeaway coffee from the disposable cardboard tray next to me.
Please meet Kelly: a jolly elf of a lass, 27 years old and quite stunning. My only complaint, if I should be forced to own one, is that her hair was cropped too short for my liking. She wore a Ramones t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers. Or, as I tended to think of it as – Kelly’s all round year uniform.

“Hardly late”, she replied. “Blame the bus, Mr Anal”.

Threatening Skies [NSFW] [M/f] [Oral]

This is one hell of a strange story. Not sure what you will make of it, but if you have any answers you might share them with me. It happened like this:

My name is Jack Ross. I’m 40 year old, very fit, and I’M an ex-British Royal Marine Major. I quit the service 14 months ago to join a very lucrative security firm as an “advisor”. This is a fancy way of saying “security contractor”, I guess? The money is great and it involves lots of travel to interesting places, which is also very cool.

A job came up to escort a British diplomatic official for about a week on the tropical Pacific island of Mundy. When God invented tropical paradises he used Mundy as a template. I was looking forward to stooging around on the island with some old fossil from the British Consulate and getting a tan on. I couldn’t see any threat in the middle of the Pacific so the escort duties should be rather light on, or so I hoped.

The “Couples Talk” [NSFW] [F/M] [Mast] [Oral]

Martin and I had the “couples talk”.

You know the one – the talk where you confide to your significant other about what you can both do to spice things up in the bedroom. It was a gentle talk, mixed with a glass of wine (or two) and a bit of handholding. Martin and I were in our late 20s, he was a doctor, me (I’m Cathy – but he calls me “Cat”) I’m a successful financial advisor with my own business. We’ve been married for four years now and kids were not on really on the horizon. Marty was furthering his training to become a radiologist so between us our future seemed financially solid. However, some things can’t be fixed by money.

Our sex talk was constructive and the upside was that we were both pretty happy with each other and with that of our sex life, generally. I confided to Martin that I loved sex with him but would like to have it a lot more than we do now. For his part, he said that our lovemaking lacked a degree of spontaneity. He suggested that we mix things up and try the occasional crazy thing. I asked him what he had in mind, but he just kept on saying we should try some “wild stuff”. This lack of specificity with Martin sometimes frustrated me, but I got his general proposition. For a doctor he could do with improving his communication skills, I thought. As to my complaint about wanting more sex, he led me into the bedroom and proceeded to rock my world.

How a Weird Girl Cured My Depression [NSFW] [Mast] [M/F] [Fdom

Call me Steve.

I’m an average-looking, although lean, 26 years year old male. A few months ago I moved to Sydney after completing my engineering degree and – let’s face facts – after my girlfriend, Jai, dumped me for another guy. Apparently, I was always studying and not being attentive to her needs. Her “needs” often centred on her interests, her friends and, well, things like shopping. I’m not bitter about her choosing somebody else, in truth, I did make my studies as a priority, but also I did love that girl, and I was depressed as hell for losing her. Moving to Sydney and into a tiny little inner-city flat while I looked for work didn’t help. I did low paying intern work during the day, and at night watched TV and moped.

It was a Tuesday night about 6.00 pm when there came a lazy rapping on my door. I sighed as I was about to do something and didn’t wish to be interrupted. But, as I never got visitors I was curious as to who might be knocking at this hour. Please don’t let it be religious nuts.