Feeling of lust

Longing for the lovers touch
But he only breaks your trust
Another beautiful women being crushed
To foolish to see the truth
Shame that he’s not only loving you
Words from those who care
Just flow in an out your ears
Pleading that he’s a different man
Won’t change what’s seen in front of your hands
So you fall an here I am to pick you up
Never once realizing I’m just your crutch
Building you back up showing you light
An you grow but go back to the same night
Once he’s says he’s not the same
Faking ass dude saying they changed
An things are good for till he turns back to that dude
Real colors always shine through
An you heart left back to dark blues
So time to be real to you
Let him go an fine something true
Your more this his portrait in a gallery

A lesson to all who’s been fooled, a heart will mend an time will fade. Feeling will grow an dissipate.but if sumthing is real should never fill one sides, weight to high on the scales of your life an heart. Becareful an listen not everyone will just tell you someones wrong just out of dislike…… Food for thought

Categorized as Erotica