“Breaking the Doldrums”, Volume Two [MF] [FOREPLAY] [REALITY]

B R E A K I N G T H E D O L D R U M S : A Serialized Erotic Story in Three Volumes

Volume One Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/23gi10/breaking_the_doldrums_volume_one_mf_foreplay/

Volume Three Link: I'll posit it here when it's finished!

CHAPTER THREE: Flickering Lights

I settled back into my seat, lowering my hands from the heater for the first time since I climbed in the cab, and gazed out the passenger’s-side window.

Blurry lights swished passed under a transparent curtain of snow. The effect was hypnotic. I felt warm. Not in my hands, just radiating warmth, like an aura of sorts. For some reason, just being there in that moment was magical, a thing I was happy to be able to witness and share with this stranger.

I looked forward again, through the wind-shield, just as she asked me: “Mind if I take the long route? The view from the mountains is gorgeous tonight. And with Saturday night traffic, it could even be quicker.”

“Sure”, I said. “I wouldn’t mind at all. Can you see the stars from up there?”

Categorized as Erotica

“Breaking the Doldrums”, Volume One [MF] [FOREPLAY] [REALITY]

B R E A K I N G T H E D O L D R U M S : A Serialized Erotic Story in Three Volumes

Teaser Summary:

A young fiction writer who's experiencing a doldrum in his life meets an older woman, who's sense of spontaneity and whimsy allowed him to shake of his Winter blues. Though it is written from a male perspective, this story is intended for female audiences, 25+. See the end of this post for links to GWAudio readings of each chapter.

Dedicated To:

BlondesRMoreFun6. She knows why. ;)

Author's Introduction:

What follows here is a bit of an indulgence on my behalf. Feel free to skip down to the first chapter if you aren't interested in the craft of writing or the nature of erotic fiction.