Chapter 1 – Becoming the dog’s toy [bst],[huml]

I put my mop of curly black hair back through a headband after I kicked off my shoes. It had been a rough week and I was finally able to go home from an overtime shift. Other than some trivial upkeep stuff, I knew that when I walked through my apartment’s door, I would be able to hole myself up for the weekend and recharge my batteries. I was greeted by Bur, my great Dane, who looked at me, yawned, and went back to sleep on the couch. Lazy mutt.

Most people look forward to the weekend, as they can go out to bars with friends and get involved in who knows what. I get enough of people during the week, the weekend is the time for me to enter my own little word, a cocoon surrounded on five sides by rooms, where hopefully I can induce enough chemicals in my body to metamorphosize into an outwardly normal member of society. My weekend consisted of masturbating myself to sleep, binge-watching garbage tv, and usually polishing off two to three bottles of wine.

Good times.