Actually working in office and therefore I try to sport in gym after. Sometimes my body feels so tired I really wish to have some kind of massage. I was thinking maybe the foot massage, or something more erotic, like tantra massage. I saw lot of porn videos about massages, but sometimes I feel like I really need to feel it. So I read about tantra, I knew about it earlier, but never though it may be some kind of massage, I simply thought it’s just a sex. I read a bit more about it on internet.
Bit thinking about offering you such a massage, when we set a date and you arrived to my place. I hug you and welcome you with some cold water or offer you tea. I tell you to close your eyes and slowly touch your body, so you can feel the energy. Just standing there, I slowly take your clothes down and start making moves while slow, passionate music plays in background. You’re completely relaxing, feeling my nails over your body.