Birthday Genie [MFMF][Infidelity][Teasing]

“So what’s your birthday wish this year?” Sara, my wife asked as we lay in bed the morning of.

“Well, there is one thing, but…no never mind.” I said trying to play coy. It was our little game we liked to play. She would ask what I wanted, and I’d play like it was a secret. She would inevitably do her best to coax it out of me.

She swung her thick muscular leg over my naked body and took up her usual mounting position. She leaned over me and grabbed both of my hands, pinning them above my head, positioning her unencumbered breasts right above my lips. I craned my head up to take a nipple in my mouth, but she moved her body upward just out of my reach. The motion caused her melon sized breasts to jiggle and bounce, which made a lovely view that I couldn’t get enough of.

“Nuh uh. Not until you tell me what your wish is?”

“You know if I say it out loud, my wish won’t happen.”

“I’m your birthday genie. You just tell me, and I’ll make it happen.”

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A Camping Trip to Remember [Voyeur][Riding][MF]

Ryan and I were like brothers and we quite literally shared everything. We, even for a time, shared the same girl, Sara. Though sharing is not really the word I would use. Sara had an incredibly large libido and we helped her satisfy her cravings.

You see Ryan was the cool guy in school, very outgoing, got along with everyone time person and I was more of an introvert, reserved and quite happy keeping to myself. Ever since we were young Ryan would force me to go out with him, meet new people, making sure I was always invited to events. Even when Ryan started to date Sara in high school, he made sure that when I was with them I never felt like a third wheel. Sara for her part was extremely nice to me, never minded that I was always tagging along with them. She tried to set me up with a couple of her friends at first, but nothing ever really clicked.

Being Neighborly Part 8[MF]

Taking a dip in the pool was a fantastic idea. The water was cleansing and refreshing, especially after my time with Emily earlier. After she left I texted Nolan to tell him, I was feeling terrible too and that I’d just be staying home the rest of the day. I took a quick shower and went to my room buck naked since no one was going to be in the house, except for Emily later that evening, though as I lay on my bed I had a nagging feeling that I was forgetting to do something.

As I fell into my bed, I started to take in the scent of sweat and sex from the used sheets. Thinking that must have been forgetting to do, but the exhaustion of the day’s activities had all caught up to me at that point and decided to leave for later. My eyelids felt heavier than ever and decided not to fight it. Once I was asleep, I began to have vivid dreams, or more like re-creations of the time Emily and I spent on that very bed.

Lexi Reverts to Her Bratty Ways [45M19F][Spanking][Squirting][Step-Daughter]

What a whirlwind the last 24-hour period had been. From having my wife pretty much ignore me for nearly a year to having her take advantage of me while I slept. Lexi being a grade A brat from the time I met her to her obeying my every demand. Honestly I had forgotten the physical toll sex took on the body, not to mention age just catching up with me. I mean I run regularly and keep in overall good shape, but I haven’t used my abs like that in quite some time. So after getting dressed for work that morning, I had been constantly stretching my abs to release some of the lactic acid that was still lingering.

When I walked into the kitchen to get a quick on the go breakfast before I headed out to work, I spotted Lexi bending over the counter in her black sports bra and white yoga pants, and no panties just as she had been the night before. Her hands were wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee. As I walked behind her, my hands still in the air from stretching my abs, one came down hard and fast, making an echoing clap as hand met cheek.

Being Neighborly Part 7[MF]

Seeing Emily on her knees in front of me, was a thing of beauty. Her face was flush from activity and stray hair lay matted to her forehead while the rest was a mess from my hand running through it and grasping it. Both of us there in my room, gathering our breaths trying to get them under control. I had never felt the type of euphoria I was feeling in that moment except maybe when I had finally gotten rid of my V card, except now it was emanating from every pore of my body, but still a niggling feeling crept in the back of my brain.

A feeling that while she knelt there with a radiant smile looking up at me that she had not reached her climax. That I had not reciprocated the relief that she had bestowed unto me. I did have to stop right as I was about to erupt so that I could keep my promise to her. Maybe I had cut it short for her as well. Or maybe I had given her what she wanted, what she needed. There was only one to make sure that she had reached her orgasm.

Categorized as Erotica

Being Neighborly Part 6[MF]

Emily gave me a huge smile in reply to my response and raised her body up and pressed her breasts into my face. As she did I could feel her hip press forward sliding her moist lips against the bottom of my shaft until I could feel it hovering right above my tip. Then I felt her hand reach down to hold my cock in place and felt her nipple drop to my lower lip, followed by a long gasp of air as the tip of my cock pressed through her threshold. I, too, let out a gasp at that moment.

Slowly and methodically she lowered herself and inch more, pulling my hair to tilting my head so that I was looking up at her. Our breaths were in perfect sync as we inhaled a breath the lower she went, holding our breath anticipating what came next. Then a slow exhale as she pulled back up until her lips only held the tip of my cock. Followed by another slow push down, her taking more of my cock than the last push but only halfway this time. On and on it went, pulling up to my tip and then lowering her down to take more of me than the last.

Categorized as Erotica

Being Neighborly Part 5[MF]

Emily tilted her head back and combed both of her hands through her hair, bunching it up. I watched as her wristed twisted and turned around her hair until it made a messy sort of bun at the back of her head. She held her hair there with one hand and lowered her head above my chest. The smell of shampoo and her natural scent mixed together to create an intoxicating aroma that had me breathing in deep. Then her soft lips touched down onto my chest and I let out a low moan of bliss. Soft sounds of slurping got my attention and I tilted my head to see her sucking up fresh drops of my cum that I had just sprayed against myself, which she had a big hand in helping me with.

Being Neigborly Part 4[MF]

When I woke, the clock on my night stand read 12:30. I looked around and realized I was still by the window. I got up and turned on the light and saw the mess I had made by the window. Cum all over my curtains, lotion splattered all over the floor and jeans, jeans that I was still wearing and my cock sticking out from the zipper, which was not at all that comfortable. I unbuttoned them and let them drop and grabbed a rag. I cleaned as best as I could and regrettably there was still little dark spots that I assumed were just going to be stains, but I was fairly confident I could play it off as stains from spilt food or something. I picked up my phone from the ground and saw that I had a million missed texts from Nolan, my best friend. Oops totally forgot we were supposed to go out that night. Oh well he’d get over it and really the show I got from Emily was well worth it.

Being Neighborly Part 3[MF][Teasing][Self-Play][Voyeur]

All characters in the story are aged 18+.

I walked over with my parents and I held the bottle of wine that we were bringing for dinner. When Emily opened the door and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She wore a stunning red dress with spaghetti straps, layers of lacy cloth across her chest that lay low on her chest that showed just a hint of cleavage and ran straight down hugging every single contour of her body. It was the third or fourth time that day she made my jaw drop, but I had learned my lesson after the first time and caught myself and closed it immediately. Her smile as she greeted us at the door was radiant. She turned to the side and waved an arm gesturing us to come inside.

“Oh my, I now I feel underdressed. I didn’t know we were having being invited to such a fancy dinner.” My mom said as she walked past the threshold.

Being Neighborly Part 2[MF][Voyeur][Self-Satisfaction]

All characters in the story are aged 18+.

“Thomas, before you go there is something that I need from you. Well now that you’ve seen me topless, I need to see you topless. Now change in to your board shorts and come join me in this pool.” Emily said.

I wasn’t sure what I should do, but when I looked back at her she was making a shooing gesture with her hand. I walked in and took my time looking for my board shorts trying to get my mind off of Emily hoping beyond hope that my cock would lose its rigidity, however the more I tried the more my thoughts wandered to her in front of me topless, the feel of her soft hand on my cheek and the warmth of her breath on my ear. All of this only made things tougher, especially putting on my shorts and trying to position my cock in a way that it wouldn’t be so obvious. Then I thought maybe if I was fast enough I could dive into the pool without her noticing.