Curse of the Cock – Entry 7 (F/F, vanilla sex)

“I want you to cum,” she said, eyes as always locked with her lover’s. “You get to pick where. Mouth, tits, face, up to you.” Immediately her mouth was back on Amanda, swallowing her down.

Amanda groaned loudly at the tight wetness around her shaft. Zab was exceptionally good at what she was doing, or at least Amanda thought so, despite her own limited experience on the receiving end. She just watched and felt as the dark-haired woman bobbed up and down, just fast enough to keep her hard, but not enough to bring on an orgasm just yet.

And just where should she have that orgasm, Amanda wondered. Mouth, tits, or face? All three were tempting, and she was sure that Zab would look absolutely adorable adorned in her cum, but truthfully, none of the offered options were exactly what she needed at that moment. Her cock needed one thing, and one thing only.

“None of the above,” Amanda purred. Zab stopped her back and forth motion, most of the way down Amanda’s cock. Her eyes flicked upward as she began to pull back, slowly.

Categorized as Erotica

Curse of the Cock – Entry 5 (F/F, CYOA)

Surprisingly close this time. In fact, the chosen option won by a single vote! Remember, if you want to have your own impact on this story, make sure to vote.


“And just how curious are you really? You don’t even know my name.”

“You’re right, I don’t. Would you tell me?”

Amanda considered that for a moment. Did she really want to go down that path of opening up to Zab, or should she make up a name, or even just not give one? Her name was such a little thing, often given casually, but never under circumstances where the other person already knew something so intimate about her.

She thought back to the last time she’d been asked for her name. She refused that time, but then, that guy was just… not even worth a second attempt. He was at best a one-night-stand. Zab… might turn out to be more, but that was yet to be seen.

“Tell you what,” Amanda offered, “Let’s see how this goes, alright? I’m um… kind of a private person, you know? And for obvious reasons. We don’t know if we’ll even like each other.”

Categorized as Erotica

Curse of the Cock – Entry 4 (F/F, CYOA)

Not going to lie, I was pretty surprised with the poll results. It was a lot closer than I expected.


It was all going well, until Amanda started to feel her cock inflating. She wasn’t hard yet, not close even, but it wouldn’t be all that long. Her hand froze, just as Zab’s hands moved to lower the straps of Amanda’s dress.

“What?” Zab asked, pulling back, eyes showing clear concern. “If this is too fast…”

“No, no… it’s not that…”

She had to tell Zab now, give her the chance to back out, to say “no thanks” before getting too involved. The longer she put it off, the more dishonest she would be with this new potential partner.

“It’s just… you see…” Amanda had explained this before, had told previous partners, to varying reactions. Most didn’t believe her until she showed them the actual transformation, those who were willing to hang around and not call her crazy. Maybe she should just skip the words this time, get right to the point, then hope for the best. “Here, give me your hand.” She took a step back and held out her own.

Categorized as Erotica

The Equipment Manager S01E06 – Part 1

It was time.

The process had gone slowly, gradually moving up to larger and larger plugs, and I was starting to wonder if I’d ever finally graduate to that last, largest one. Days went by, a couple weeks, and I knew the guys were growing impatient.

After Sammy, there were no more texts, no calls to come over, no encounters in the locker room, and I was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this was all over. I’ll admit, I was more than a little disappointed. I was starting to get used to this new life and new identity of mine, but maybe it was just not meant to be.

When I finally got the last plug in, I felt a quick little twinge of excitement at the base of my stomach; a little spark of hope that this might work. As soon as it was in and my ass had settled around it, I texted Avery.

*Hey. Just put the last one in… you know… if you’re still interested.*

He replied almost right away.

*How long?*

It couldn’t be that day; I still wasn’t quite ready yet.

The Equipment Manager S01E04 (M/M, dubcon, oral, anal play)

They had a list. Of course they had a list. As if it wasn’t enough that I was agreeing to be the personal fuck buddy for an entire college football team, they had their own set of demands on top of that.

I didn’t even unfold the paper in front of Avery; I couldn’t. My stomach was suddenly in knots as the realization that this was becoming real really hit. I held in my hand the final conditions, the last thing to agree to, before everything was set in place, and I became theirs. “I uh… OK I’ll look it over and get back to you, alright?”

“It’ll be fine,” Avery said, placing an encouraging hand on my shoulder. “There wasn’t anything too outrageous, I made sure.”

“Alright. I’ll uh… look when I get home, OK? And text you?” Avery agreed, and I stuffed the paper into my pocket.


All evening, it was like I could feel the paper in my jeans; the weight of it, the warmth of it. A few times I had to check to make sure it was still there and hadn’t fallen out, because if anyone else found this, everything would have been for nothing. But no, the list stayed perfectly secure in my pocket until I took it out that night, as I got ready for bed.

The Equipment Manager S01E03 (M/M, dubcon)

So, I know what you’re expecting. At least, I think I do. You figure that now, after my uh… conversation… with Avery, that everything just fell into place and I started fucking every guy on the football team. Looking back, I wish I could say that that’s how things went, but it wouldn’t be true if I did, and there’s no point in lying to you. You’re here to listen to my story as it happened, not some kind of made-up fantasy.

The truth is that, despite the fact that, in the moment, I was entirely into what I was doing, by the time I was driving home I was in a kind of crisis of identity. I was raised Catholic, which is by no means the most hardcore of the Christian faiths, and tends to take a more moderate (all things considered) approach to the modern world. The pope has even said that homosexuality isn’t exactly an abomination, and that everyone should be loved and not scorned. That said, being gay still wasn’t all that popular of an idea in the church, and certainly not in my house. At best, my parents (well really my mom, I don’t think my dad actually cared) felt sorry for “the gays”, pitied them, as though they were sick and just needed help (and Jesus) to get better. I myself never really subscribed to that way of thinking, but also knew that I, myself, was not gay, didn’t want to be gay, couldn’t think of myself as gay. It was fine for other people, but not me.

The Equipment Manager S01E02 (college, m/m, dubcon, handjob)

“You’re barely eating, are you feeling alright?” My mom was hovering, standing next to my chair, hand on a hip, staring concernedly at the waffle on my plate. I hadn’t taken more than two bites, if that and she’d noticed.

“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine,” I said unconvincingly, taking a third, small bite. “I just uh… third day jitters?” Of course, it being the third day of classes had literally nothing to do at all with my loss of appetite. No, instead, I simply couldn’t get the previous evening out of my head: Tom, nude, standing right in front of me, my mouth around his cock, sucking and not doing an especially great job of it. If I thought about it, I could still taste his cum, and feel the warm stickiness of it sliding down my throat. Even all of that wasn’t the main problem, but rather, my reaction, or lack of one. What I mean is, I hadn’t hated it. I can’t say that I liked it, especially, being forced more or less to go down on a guy, but it wasn’t the repulsive act I thought it would be. That was what occupied my mind the next morning.

The Equipment Manager – S01E01 [college, m/m, dubcon, oral]

I spent a lot of time trying to decide just how to start to tell this story. It’s always the beginning that’s the hardest part for me. I have to figure out how to grab your attention, and quickly, without giving away too much of what’s to come. I usually try to be funny, or witty, but I’m not sure that either is the appropriate tone this time.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a sad story. Looking back now, this was probably the best time of my life, even including where I am now. I need you to understand that. While my consent was certainly questionable, especially at the very beginning, I don’t, looking back, think that I was taken advantage of, nor abused. In those first two years of high college, I learned more about myself than ever before or since, and I truly believe, overall, that the entire experience was a positive one.

A question about character ages (feedback sought)

I tried messaging the mods but didn’t get a response, and I don’t see a specific rule anywhere, so I thought I’d ask the community. What are the thoughts on character ages? I don’t mean kids or anything like that. For instance, a collaborative writing site I sometimes frequent requires that all characters be over 16, which is the age of consent in most US states.

I’m asking because a story idea I have involves teens in high school, all at or over the age of 16. However, if that’s cutting it too close, I can make some adjustments so they’re all over 18.

I’d appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

CockSlut S2E3


The one thing, really the only thing, that disappointed me about my situation with my boss was that I still couldn’t completely fulfill my duties, by which I of course mean that I still wasn’t able to swallow all of his massive, glorious cock. I was getting closer, and he was being patient with me, but I knew he wanted it. Hell, I wanted it. I wanted that huge cock all the way in my mouth, down my throat, until his balls rested on my chin. Molly had been helping, trying to stretch my throat out. I had entirely overcome my gag reflex, and now it was just a matter of physically getting my body to accept him.

The boss and I had switched up the morning routine a little bit. Now, instead of reporting directly to his office first thing, I went to my new, tiny, private office just down the hall. There wasn’t much to it: desk and chair, bookshelf, filing cabinet. I did have a window, though, which was kind of a big deal. I hadn’t even asked for a space though. The boss offered it to me, saying that most other executive assistants also had offices close to their bosses.