Missed You At The Dance (Part One?)

*All characters are 18+*

*Also this is my first posting ever! Get excited for more!*

He was nervous, and she could tell… Evan could barely keep his eyes on the road as he drove to his high school for his very last school dance. They kept darting over to his date in the passenger seat. Leena was stunning, and Evan knew it wasn’t really for the dance. She had made it perfectly clear what was happening tonight. She had found out her new boyfriend was a virgin and just couldn’t let that stand. 

She had been pretty enticed when she found out. Leena had spent high school doing plenty of sleeping around. Evan on the other hand, despite being plenty good-looking and charming, had barely gone further than making out with any of his exes. Honestly, she could see why. He was just so nervous. Never had it in him to make the first move. That’s why she had been so direct with him after she found out…