The Product Tester – Part III [MF]

Lindsay leaned against the latched stall door and breathed deeply. She tried not to think about what had just happened. The shame — she should just leave the office and drive home so she wouldn’t have to face any of her co-workers. No, that won’t work — her purse and car keys were still up there in her office.

Facing her co-workers after this would be hard, but running away would be even worse. “I can handle this,” she told herself. She flushed the toilet, unlocked the stall, and spent some time washing her hands and looking at herself in the mirror.

Her lipstick was smudged; she tidied it up with a damp paper towel. Her hair was mussed — he must have grabbed her head as he began to climax. She smoothed her hair back into place with her dampened hands. She checked her blouse, her jacket, and her her skirt, and straightened them out.

She was sweating. She could feel the dampness under her arms, between her breasts, on the back of her neck. A few more deep breaths to calm herself, then she left the restroom and took one step after another, back to the elevator.

The Product Tester – Part I [MF]*

The ad in the back of the local weekly paper said only "Volunteers needed for product testing." There was a website address at the bottom of the ad, so Lindsay thought "why not?" and typed the address into her smartphone.

At 34 years of age, happily married with two children and a good but not great career in HR, Lindsay was, even so, bored with her life. As a teen, she'd been popular with the "goody goody" crowd, hanging out at church youth events and thinking about which boys she'd be willing to go "almost" all the way with.

The boys were pretty interested in her, too — still interested for that matter. Her good-girl-next-door looks and a cute, curvy figure were darn near as fresh at 34 as they were at 18, even after two children. She took care of herself, unlike some of her friends who just let themselves go after the first baby.

With the kids in bed, and her husband Bobby watching sports on TV, Lindsay looked at the website trying to figure out what kind of products they were offering. The design was a little bit hip, a little bit girly, with pastel colors and stock photos of flowers and sunshine. "Aha," she thought, "there's the link to find out what this is all about."