Jessica’s New Job

Life in the big city was exciting. [Jessica]( had just moved there, fresh out of her parents home. At just 21 years old, she’d already been hired as a personal assistant to a major lawyer. Her life was just about to get really exciting. Everything was new to her. Her job. Her apartment. Her roommate Tammy. Fortunately, Tammy was nice enough to help her out in her new city.

“Don’t worry about it” Tammy said “after the first day on the job, you get settled in nice. Tell you what, I’ll take you out for drinks after work okay?”. Jessica was nervous. She needed a friend like Tammy.

She hadn’t met the man who she’d be helping, but the firm assured her that he’d be a suitable boss. All his previous assistants claimed to greatly enjoy their job. What could go wrong? As she made her way to the law firm, she reached in to her bag, pulling out a flask. Inside it wasn’t coffee. It was vodka.

Jessica’s New Job Part Two – Tammy’s Encounter

[Click here for part one](

[Jessica]( had the best day at work. Her new boss, [Michael]( Phillips had turned out to be a super hot god of a man. He had fucked her. His cock was perfect, the perfect length, the perfect girth. The sex was perfection. Michael was perfection. And Jessica had realised that there was no greater feeling than being a cheap slut owned by a perfect billionaire.

But something else had come up… Michael took photos of Jessica after he’d had his fun. He had pictures of other girls in his collection. One of them caught Jessica’s eye. [Tammy]( Her new roommate. She was younger in the picture, but it was definitely her. Had she been Michael’s fuck toy too? How did it start? Why did it stop? Jessica had to know. Fortunately, she was meeting Tammy for drinks that night. She was going to find her answers, no matter what.

They were meeting at the Velvet Broadway bar. It was the kind of place where a girl could go to have a good time. Tammy was already inside, surrounded by men trying to buy her drinks. She kept refusing, but only because she knew Jessica was coming. Had she been alone, she would have taken every offer.

Breaking my best friend – John and Grace (Part 1) – Gentle non-con

[Grace]( was a perfect girl. She was so beautiful. Not just in body, but in soul. She got straight A’s in school, volunteered for charities, and always said please and thank you. She was the sweetest, most innocent girl you’d ever meet. I’d always had a thing for her, ever since I first met her. She was my best friend. We’d hung out almost everyday since first meeting. I was so desperate to fuck her. I didn’t even need porn, I’d just jerk off to [pics from her social media]( I had to have her.

I asked her out every year of school. Several times. She kept saying no, but always let me down gently in that sweet girl way that only she could do. She had a lot of offers. Almost every guy that came into contact with her asked her out, but none succeeded. I was her only male friend. I wanted to be with her. We liked the same movies, played the same video games, read the same books, laughed at the same jokes. I was exactly her type, 6 foot 4, with abs and a square jaw. I helped her out every chance I got and never once asked to be thanked. We were perfect for each other. I kept trying new ways to get her to see me as more than just a friend. I got super fit. I fucked other girls to try and make her jealous. I even sent her a few anonymous dick pics to show off my foot long cock. Nothing worked. In the end, I just gave up. I decided to find a girl who was close enough, and have her instead. But there was no girl like Grace. Only Grace was Grace.