The Contract: Ambush Wedding (Flr)(collar)

It was five days after the gallery opened with a fantastic opening that Mike did the very embarrassing thing of giving a schoolboy concussion. The schoolboy had tried to vandalise one of Malcolm’s pieces in the Llarson Gallery’s defense. No damage suit was going to stick, the school was embarrassed, the boy in question suspended probably to be expelled for prior issues too. The boy’s parents offered compensation upon viewing the security video footage.

Claire however knew that Mike had a great deal of ability and alternative methods in his arsenal. Slapping the child hard enough to slide across the floor until he bowled the supervising teacher over was excessively violent. Malcolm of course thought it to have been Mike being extremely nice, he still had all his teeth, he still had both arms even.
Ingrid was delighted that the security system had worked. The Lazer fence had activated the firedoors and closed that section off within two seconds. The police and ambulance had been summoned within one minute and a response team was entering within two minutes. Other section of the gallery had been warned of an emergency in that section and alternative routes were advised. Two tour guides had smoothly redirected their groups and assured them the situation was under control. They had even communicated the nature of the emergency to their groups within five minutes to the applause of the groups.
Renata was onto the school before the alarm was deactivated. She had a good idea of what had happened and briefed the headmaster. Peter had the brief open before the boy was taken away in the police pickup, not an ambulance. The ambulance did not deem the injury serious enough to occupy a hospital.

The Contract: Justice. (Femdom)(castration)(mind breaking)

Nerinne had to kneel in the dungeon room and count the strokes as Claire punished Mike exactly as she had been and tagged ten on for his behaviour at the cabin. To her utter amazement Mike went to work on Wednesday. She was aching all over and barely able to do anything.

Over the next month Nerinne forgot all about getting into Claire’s bed as she spent three pain filled night realising that Claire would not allow two sets of rules in her home. If she wanted to be there she would have to come in on very similar terms as Mike. Claire had made it clear that it was a bad idea to do that.

She was introduced to a police officer who gave her a phone number to call if she ever needed witness protection. Her matric exams location had been moved to a school near the gallery and she received a driver’s licence in the same package. It was no surprise to Mike.
At the gallery the refurbishments moved fast. Mike pushed the contractors to their limits and was on schedule to finish on time. He started looking at the work for the farm. As Malcolm started setting up the exhibition Mike travel between the farm and the gallery frequently. Nerinne was writing her exams and would spend afternoons or off days at the gallery helping out. This taught her a lot about exhibiting, how Malcolm zandrews used shading for depth while Mike used tinted varnish.

The Contract: Cleaning Slate. (Femdom) (Flr) (punishment)

“You’re going to have to find her a boyfriend Sarge.” Mike as they looked out over the darknening valley.

“Noooo, I suck at putting lovers together.” Sarge said and took a swig of whisky.

“Why?” Wingnut asked.

Sarge handed handed the whisky to Mike who took a swig. Mike passed the bottle to Wingnut.

“Either she’s going to proposition one of us and be disappointed or she’d going to proposition one of our owners in which case we’re going to deal with the complications.” Mike said.

“Fuck.” Wingnut said passing the bottle back to Sarge.

“Who do you think she’ll proposition?” Sarge asked after taking a swig.

“Ma. Ma wants you to have kids Sarge.” Mike said taking the bottle from Sarge.

“Ah shit!” Sarge said.

“Yeah? Claire is busy scrubbing a nest.” Wingnut said reaching for the bottle that went back to Sarge.

“Renata is busy getting broody too. But she’s your ages and has a kid.” Sarge said passing the bottle to Wingnut.

“Don’t tell me…” Wingnut said passing the bottle to Sarge.

“Yeah first what makes you think she will?” Sarge asked.

The Contract: Life sentenced. (Femdom) (Flr) (public display) (collar)

On Thursday evening Mike’s ex boss came to have dinner. Claire had invited her to discuss Mike’s future. Renata did not look forward to the evening. She was going to give bad news and The couple deserved a personal appearance. She had a look at the excavation around the house and bridge in astonishment at what Mike had done. In herself she was deeply upset that she would be losing his services. Mike and a few others had been people to build an empire with.

“Freddie ran away with all the money, even cleaned the petty cash out! I have to tell you that reopening is out of the question for now.” Renata said to the couple as they sat down to the meal Mike had cooked.

Her thought was to get the bad news out of the way and not build false expectations. If they chased her away, so be it. Renata was in no way prepared for what came next.

“Mike, find Fred and recover Renata’s money, even the petty cash. ” Claire ordered.

That it was an order was not in doubt to Renata. She had used that tone of voice many times.

The Contract: Preparation (Flr) ( Femdom) (hypnosis)

“Do you think we’ll make it across that?” Claire asked.

It was a stretch of road that was a chaos of mud, and trees. It had started when a tree fell over the road pulling part of a cut bank with it. The rain of the week had castaded into the hollow left by the tree and weakened more of the bank and collapsed it, pulling more trees down. To make matters worse it was raining again.

“No Mistress I do not think we can make it across that.” Mike answered looking at the road.
They had been crawling through the trees for two hours as Mike kept his diff locks on while he drove along the slippery mud roads. He had known exactly where they were going until this. He sat thinking now.

“We can try and make the Tzaneen road Mistress, I’ve never been that way before.

“Where is the turn for that?”

“About a kilometre beyond this mess.”

Claire laughed.

The Contract Adam’s bed (Femdom) (Flr) (golden shower) (outdoors)

“Do you have any idea of how much money is standing around here?”

“Thirty one paintings at eighty thousand Euros each, about two million Euros Mistress, for the completed ones. Another sixteen need to be finished. Then the sketches, practice pieces, and a few sculptures…”

Claire glared at Mike. He was Miko Oolos, the reclusive genius painter who was know for extreme detail and devastating statement in his work. This made everything more complicated. She was going to need a lot of advise. This amount of money could not just be left here either. Where she would find safe storage was beyond her.

“We need to move them.” Claire said.

“The truck cannot carry all of them safely Mistress.”

“We’ll take several trips then or get a helicopter.”

“Every additional person who handles them will increase the security risk Mistress.”

“Then we’ll have to take several trips then. Why do you paint here?”

“It’s quiet, nobody comes here. In the past I’ve looked to buying the farms in the valley to keep this place private Mistress.

“What changed?”

“I met you Mistress.”

Claire could not stay angry with Mike after that response.

The Contract: Road Trip (Femdom) (Flr) (outdoors) (golden shower)

They left for the mountains at seven AM on Wednesday morning. Claire’s period had lifted on Monday, Tuesday was spent preparing and arranging for somebody to house sit. Mike had also opened each stable door, repaired the locks, and made keys for each by the end of Monday. He had used Tuesday to get to know the land cruiser, Claire deciding that she would not risk the brand new Jeep yet. Mike also distrusted an automatic transmission in isolated areas.

“How is your ass feeling?” Claire asked.

“No trouble there Mistress.”

Claire was concerned because she had practiced milking him twice more since Saturday. She was worried that there might be health issues. Wisely she had ordered Mike to communicate if she went too fast or hurt him unduly. All he had needed to communicate was when she found his prostate. It was on her second solo practice that she had noticed what the chastity cage did to his scrotum. Now it was something she would only do if really needed. Claire was not intentionally cruel.

“And your balls?”

“Fine Mistress.”

“I want two children from you slave. Do not be tough for the sake of being macho!”

The Contract: Motherly Lesson. (Femdom) (Flr) (F/F/m) (Milking)

Claire woke up and gasped at the delight filled agony of Sunday night’s love making. Her hand immediately went to her mom’s and below as she tried to sit up. Mike was instantly concerned. And subsided when Claire reassured him that she was fine. She kissed her slave and gestured to the chastity cage on the dresser. He fetched it, assembled it and stood in front of her so that she could verify that is was on properly. Satisfied she nodded and Mike locked the cage, giving her the key and chain. She was a little stiff but managed to get her ankle out from under the covers for Mike to put the key in place again.

She noted that Mike had not removed his nighty as she patted the bed beside her, inviting him to sit and have breakfast with her. She drank her coffee and had a piece of toast before speaking.

“You were magnificent last night my slave.”

“I have a fantastic owner Mistress.” He replied.

“Hang your clothes up instead of bathing me today.”

“Already done Mistress.”

Claire had no doubt he was telling the truth, he had probably ironed the wrinkles out too.

The Contract: the First Outing (Femdom) (Flr)

“We’re going out today slave.”

It was Sunday morning, digging the house out had gone well. Saturday had been devoted to laying gabian blocks and putting the bridge in place. The bridge was fantastic to Claire, a miniature cantilever structure that seemed to float above the ground and end within a centimetre of the kitchen door threshold. Three steps leading into the carport where at the other end. What was striking was how level and flat the span was. The roof over the walkway thrilled Claire too, no more getting wet from the way in the rain to get from car to home.

The gabians were neat and obviously well laid but still bare concrete with little pockets for flowering plants. She had been delighted at the neatening effect they had and posted pictures on her social media boasting about the home improvements her husband was making. The bridge had got several reaction ranging between envy and admiration from her contacts. Most notable had been Claire’s mother who had commented about sending Mike dig a moat and build a drawbridge in Nelspruit.

“Very well Mistress, what will we be doing?” Mike replied.