The Eye of the Beholder – Chapter 1 [MF][Masturbation]

**If you’re not into reading a long story and just want to get straight to the action then this might not be for you. **

Chapter 1

Jay walked down the street in the darkening sunset with all the approachability of a brick wall. He was staring out the ground, his dirty blonde hair long enough to hang in front of his face. Combined with the headphones blaring music into his ears his appearance practically screamed “Leave me alone!”. Aside from his unapproachability Jay was anything but extraordinary, he was just shorter than average, 24 and was slim without seeming skeletal: a perfectly average looking young man to the casual observer. Personally, Jay liked it that way, not sticking out was a relief where someone can get on with their own business and not be stared at, nor interrupted. He stared at the reflective black screen of his phone and looked at the slightly distorted reflection of himself, frowning. He had never had a particularly chiseled face and puberty hadn’t rectified it for him, he had a button nose, mouth with lips that were slightly too large, rosy cheeks and long lashes that covered a pair of blue-grey eyes. Overall, a young-looking face that couldn’t grow a proper beard, definitely not the appearance of the masculine hunk he had been hoping for when he was younger. Nevertheless, he wasn’t unattractive however his insecurities and unapproachability contributed to a social isolation that was almost entirely self-imposed. That said, Jay enjoyed his own company and amused himself watching the spontaneity of others online, daydreaming of imitating their creations himself.