A Night at the Bar [f][reluctant][blackmail]

It’s late at the bar, getting close to 1 AM. Most people have paired off and left, but a few single guys still lurk at the bar, hopefully glancing around every time the door opens. One in particular keeps looking your way, trying to be subtle but failing miserably. He’s in jeans and a tucked in blue dress shirt, with enough thinning hair to put him in his early 40s. He looks lonely, and at this time of night, a bit desperate.

You’re in the red dress I picked out for you. It is tight, and without a bra your erect nipples are on display for the world to see. The plunging neckline reveals the plump curves of your breasts, barely held in by the taut fabric. And the dress is so short that it barely covers your ass. When you sit down it rises to an almost indecent height. You have your legs crossed under the table to conceal the fact that your panties are sitting in my pocket. You huddle close to me, clearly nervous, wondering what my plan is.

Visiting the Adult Video Store [f][reluctant][blackmail]

You walk into the shop and quickly glance around nervously. From every angle, images of half-naked and naked women leer out at you. In the back of the store you see stands of adult DVDs. Closer to the entrance are shelve of dildos, lubricants, chains, and every other sex toy imaginable. And all the way in the back corner you see a sign that reads “Video Booths.”

It’s the middle of the day. A few middle-aged men walk semi-furtively around the store, looking at magazines and videos and avoiding each other’s eyes. A bored looking man in his 40s sits behind a cash register. He glances disinterestedly towards you, then starts and looks again.

It’s fall, but it has been warm, and you know your unseasonable thigh-length coat has caught his attention. With your bare legs and high heels, you look like a stereotype of a sex-crazed flasher.

For a minute you think about running, about turning around and rushing back to the privacy of your car. You even take a half-step backwards. But then you remember: The pictures. The videos. How easily I could send them to your boss, your friends, your family.