chemistry and biology [Drugs/Aphrodisiac, light BDSM, M/F]

Surrounded by the noises in the lab, the hiss of the flame on the bunsen, the bubbling and gurgling of the different chemicals and solutions as they pass through the elaborate Criss-cross of glassware. One final drop dropped into the flask

Standing up straight and stretching. Tired after the arduous task which has been your sole focus for the last few years.

“Finally….it’s finally completed” you mutter to yourself. “Is it really done?” says the voice behind causing you to start and almost drop the flask.

Turning you see your assistant. As usual, her light brown hair is tied up into a ponytail, her immaculate white labcoat hugging the curves of her body. She peers at you and then the flash, her pale blue eyes hidden behind a pair of Goggles.

You cheerfully smile at her “yes, a small amount of this should cure any minor ailment. I guess you could call it a panacea” you happily reply.”You’ve been a bit under the weather recently would you like to be the first to try it?” you add.

You pour some into a glass and hand it to her, her fingers brush against yours during the handover. She hesitates for a moment, before raising the glass to her lips and drinking the clear liquid.

A quiet drive [F/M, Driving, female masturbation, Public]

Divining along the road, trees passing by the window my hand feeling the pressure of the air rushing by as I extend my arm out the open window.

the car slows to a stop with the red light ahead. I slowly reach over walking my fingers up the leg of your jeans and stopping at the crotch. I feel your cock beginning to get hard because of the light touch. I carefully take hold of the zip and pull it down. reaching in a take a hold of your hard cock and free it from your boxers.

I start to slowly massage the shaft a small moan escaping your lips at the feeling. I feel your pulse and warmth as I begin to speed up. your breath becoming more ragged and uneven. I’m bringing you close to the edge and then the light turns green and I stop. a momentary look of pleading quickly replaced by resignation.

As we continue on your attention once again on the road, I shift in my seat, hike up my skirt and pull my panties aside. I run a hand down my body pausing a moment to squeeze my breasts and to unbutton my shirt so they are now on display. I continue down my abdomen and finally stopping between my legs. my pussy was already wet from the excitement.

A dark night [non-consent, forced, F(25)/M(22)]

Sitting up in bed, You could have sworn that you had heard something but scanning around the room the only thing seemingly out of place is that the bedroom door was now slightly ajar when you were sure that you had closed it earlier.

Getting up you crossed the room, reaching the door and quietly pushing it closed. Just as the door fell into place in the frame a single gloved hand reached around you from behind firmly placing itself across your mouth. “Don’t make a sound” a gruff voice whispers, close enough that you can feel the hot breath upon your ear contrasted against the cold knife being held across your throat.

Your mind racing with a thousand thought he dragged you across the room to stand in front of the full-length mirror. As you stare into the reflection in the darkness. scared and terrified, You take in what little information you can as he stands behind you. His dark clothes almost making him blend with the dark, his green eyes the only thing visible behind the ski mask.

Categorized as Erotica

Sharing [threesome / throuple M(28)/F(21)/F(27)

As I am awoken from my sleep, the soft warm sensation of the mouth wrapped around my morning wood waking me up. I settle back into the pillow as some unseen person, hidden beneath the covers vigorously assaults my lower half.

I reach a hand down grabbing a handful of hair and encouraging the person to take my cock deeper and increasing in speed. As I lie there enjoying the morning surprise as the door to the room opens and my wife Megan walks in with a purposeful stride.

Her long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, a black dress suit clinging to her slender frame, and a pair of black tights covering her long legs. she crosses the room almost as if she is oblivious to what is going on, she mentioned something about earings before stopping at the end of the bed but my mind is elsewhere and I don’t really take in what was said. she pulls her hand back and slaps the suspicious lump on the bed, this causes a moan and a giggle to escape from within.

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Check-up [doctor / patient M27/F25]

I sat upon the bed in the doctor’s office, I silently look around the room from object to object, the posters showing diagrams of human anatomy, the many strange machines with unknown purposes and the small computer set up in the corner. My wandering mind is brought back with a jolt as the door opens.

“Hello, My name is Doctor Marsh and I will be completing your physical today,” says the woman who has entered. For a moment I am stunned by her, her black hair back in a neat bun set against her pale skin. Her blue-grey eyes peering at me through a pair of black-rimmed glasses. I begin to wonder how she could button her lab coat up over her very prominent breast. I begin to become self-conscious about how little the gown covers, pulling it as low as I can before I respond. “Where’s Doctor Rowland? I was expecting it to be him”I ask. She puts on a kind smile before saying “he’s busy at the moment, but I assure you, you are in safe hands”.

Categorized as Erotica