Exploration of the new world… (part 1) (FM)

I watched as he lit up the bedchambers candles. The lights gently flickering their warm lights over the cabins walls. The central fire he had lit warming the entire three chambered cabin.

Not a word exchanged since he brought me here….and why would there be? Neither knew the others language. So vastly different I simply followed motions and kept quite. Drinking water when handed to me, and eating when fed. I hoped to escape this soon, but I don’t know where I would go, now that my home is surely gone.

His men having batted with my village and forcing them to relocate to a more secluded location, somewhere in those forests. I wasn’t able to escape, but instead of death I found myself being put on this mans horse. A captive. And after a days ride I was here…

Sitting on this mans bed, eating the tasteless bread he gave me. Afraid but I didn’t show it, not that he seemed to care. Paying no mind even when I grabbed his riffle and pointed it at him. My hands were shaking yet he only smirked. How did he know I didn’t know how to use it? Maybe it wasn’t loaded? Maybe it was in my eyes that told I couldn’t bear killing him…either way I only watched him take it back and put away, leaving me feeling embarrassed.

Categorized as Erotica