Robyn and Luke – Blacksmith Fantasy – [MF] – Short story.

Hi all, this is my first short story so please be gentle.

It was hot today. The kind of heat that sets the cicadas singing and everything feels hazy and slow. Robyn had no idea how Luke could stand being at his forge when the weather was like this. When he built it he insisted on old school with coal, wind bellows and tools that were likely from the days you needed the smith to shoe your horse. He had appreciation for well built things. It was hotter than hell in there and almost daily he would come into the house after pounding away at his latest project completely covered in soot and sweat, an absolute mess . He was so happy though and Robyn loved seeing him that way. She was absolutely weak in the knees when she watched him work and the thought often fueled her into a desperate frenzy that Luke was always obliged to help her relieve. Back in the day, her friends had always played up how attractive the wealthy business types were and how amazing it would be to end up with one of them, to be taken care of like a spoiled house cat. Robyn had nodded her head at the time, but the appeal of those men had never reached her. She wanted a rugged, powerful, talented man with passion for his work and not just the almighty buck. Luke was this breed of man.