[F32] Island Festival Fucking…

I fucked an Italian guy in a dorm bunk bed and a Dutch girl in the ocean.

Her pussy was salty from the ocean, but I could still taste her. We’d been kissing and flirting all night so I knew she’d be filled with juices for me.

I’m Lara by the way, I’ve decided to confess all of my slutty travel escapades and there’s a fair few to catch up on 😏

Are you ready?

I met up with a group of boys I’d previously been travelling with at a festival and they introduce me to Laurie the Dutch girl. They had been flirting with her and trying it on but I knew at the moment they introduce us, I’d be the one fucking her that night. After a beer and a catchup with the boys I asked Laurie if she wanted to get ready together for the festival (the boys know this move 😂) we went to our hostel dorm and was getting showered and festival ready, I was putting glitter on her face and braided her long blonde hair. As I was doing so I told her I thought she was beautiful and asked if we could kiss later when we were tipsy. We had already discussed that our plan was to get drunk and dance the night away. She agreed we should definitely kiss! I said we can start with a kiss, gave her the look 😈 and lead her to the bar for some more drinks!