The virgin slut (Dept store fantasy Pt. 3) [M/f] [virgin] [slight-Fsub]

After learning the girl who I had an amazing sexual encounter with was my bosses daughter, I had no idea what to do. My options were to either tell her…which wasn’t going to happen, cease all contact with her…also not an option, or just not tell her and pretend nothing had changed. Obviously, I opted for the last one. After my little meeting with him, I had a pretty hot conversation with her after the picture, and ended up jerking off in the bathroom at work just to be able to finish my day. The topic of meeting up kind of disappeared that day, and hadn’t come back up since. At first I was relieved, since I was unsure what to do with this whole insane situation, but after just a couple days, and after I made my decision, it was all I could think about all over again. So when my boss came to me that Friday to let me know he was going to be gone for the entire weekend and a few days the following week, and wanted to dump a bunch of extra work on me, I didn’t even mind! It just put ideas in my head…

Dept store fantasy Pt. 2 [M f] [sexting] [pseudo-inc]

It had been nearly a week since I went into that department store and had the most unbelievably erotic night of my life. I thought about it every waking moment, and had jerked off to it more times than I could keep count of. I lost focus at work, and just started fanaticizing about her hot young virgin mouth, and how she seemed to be so into it. The trouble was I had no idea what to do next. Should I even do anything? I’d even gone so far as to sit in the parking lot when her car was there, contemplating if I should go inside or not. Finally, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to take action, or I was going to go insane. From what I could tell, she worked mostly in the evenings, which would make sense if she were in school I suppose.

Department store fantasy [M/f] [voy] [reluc] [oral]

I had just turned 30, and just landed a new, very high paying job. I was feeling pretty good, and to celebrate, I decided to get new clothes for my new job. It was pretty late in the evening, and I went to the department store to see what they had. I walked around for a while, and saw a few things I liked, then I ended up in the underwear section. I had been single for a while, and wasn’t getting any action lately, so I figured I might get some underwear that looked nice on me, in case I did find someone to share them with. As I was standing there browsing, one of the store employees walked by. I glanced over, and did a double take. She was one of the hottest girls I’d ever seen. She couldn’t have been more than 18, this was probably her first job. She had long blonde hair, and a super tight, thin little body with the perfect amount of curve to it. I couldn’t help myself, and stared blatantly as she passed. She glanced down my way, and smiled, as store employees do, but I don’t think she realized I’d been staring, then continued on. I looked down at the package of underwear I was holding in my hand, and had a sudden impulse to do something crazy… I walked over to where the beautiful teenage girl had gone, and put on my best sheepish look.