Chemical-18 Update

*Hey, this is chapter 3 of my* [*Kindle Vella*]( *story Chemical-18. I posted chapters 1 & 2 to this subreddit last week, but they can all be found at the link above along with chapter 4.*

*This section contains very little spicy content, but you may be interested in it if you read the first two parts. This is the last that Kindle Vella’s terms and conditions will allow me to share with you for free, so if you are interested in reading further, please follow the link above.*

*I hope you enjoy!*

[Link to parts 1 & 2](

After Dr. Faust leaves the lab, Elizabeth walks to the break room in her panties where she dresses in her spare clothes. She then takes the stairs back up to the ground floor and slips out the back exit to her car. She doesn’t tell anyone that she is leaving, but there’s no way in hell that she is going to finish the workday. She is exhausted, humiliated, and wearing a pair of flip flops, sweatpants and an oversized, turtleneck sweater that smells like stale newspapers after being stored in the back of her locker for six months. Her eyes feel like they are about to explode from both Chemical-18 and the emotions that are welling up inside of her. 

Categorized as Erotica

Chemical-18 – A

Hey, everyone! The following is a sample of my newest passion project, Chemical-18. It is a slow burn, erotic adventure/thriller that focuses on multiple protagonists. This is Chapters 1&2. If you like them, consider popping over to my [Kindle Vella]( page where you can read Chapter 3 for free as well. :)

(Likes are very much appreciated on Kindle Vella as well!)

I really hope you enjoy!

**Chapter 1 – Elizabeth**

Elizabeth Hall arrives at BioGrowth Pharmaceuticals at a quarter till six, flashes her badge at the security guard, and waits for the red and white striped gate to allow her entry. The guard, a middle-aged man with an extended gut, recognizes her, gives the badge a cursory glance, then waves her through.

“Goddammit,” she mutters, killing the engine inside the lines of her employee parking spot. It has not even been empty for a full eight hours, yet here she is again to fill it.

Without giving herself a chance to lose momentum, Elizabeth heaves her tired body out of the driver’s seat and sets off toward the building’s front entrance. A quick card-swipe later, and she is inside.