Holly’s Tales…Part 10

I can feel her on my left side now and I feel her hand on the top of my head, stroking my hair. Her fingers begin to gather my hair together, until she has a ball of it in her fist. She controls my head; I have no ability…or desire…to stop her. My hair is yanked back and my head lifted. Behind the blackness of my blindfold I can feel the lines of drool from my breasts to my chin.

*I don’t care…*

A sharp nail traces a painful line down my spine to the valley below. The nail becomes a finger as her hand grips my ass so that her middle finger is now between my spread cheeks.


Her finger slowly glides down until I feel the tip of it resting on my asshole. I gasp, sucking in air. She moves her finger further, and I can feel it slide between my lips as she discovers my secret. I am, literally, dripping juices. I feel her fingers exploring me, gently gliding up and down.

*My clit…please touch me…*

Holly’s Tales…Part 9

Sorry for the absence, we “caught the rona”. We’re mostly ok but starting to feel human again. I felt good enough to pick it up again. I hope you enjoy!


My face contorts in pain, my eyes shut tight in a grimace. My mouth opens and I want to scream but no sound comes out. The force of the blow shoves me forward but I go nowhere. Mister Donovan pushes against my back and holds me in place. The fire that has exploded on my ass is a blinding white light behind my painfully shut eyelids. I finally manage to suck in enough air to scream…


My piercing voice echoes throughout the blackness. I feel a thousand blazing hot needles blistering across my skin. My fingers arch and my nails dig in trying to grab my ankles tighter despite my leather restraints. I barely feel it; it is nothing like the fire spreading across my ass.

I stop screaming finally and try to catch my breath. I breathe hard trying to control myself. The sting is intense. My face remains contorted in pain and my eyes still shut tight.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Holly’s Tales…Part 8

My restraints are now hooked to each other under my robe. With her hand on the back of my neck leading me forward, we have left the bedroom, but turn left out of double doors I had originally entered in. She leads me up a narrow switch back set of stairs, ten each to a set, up to the second level and back down a long hallway. Once at the top, she lets go of the back of my neck, and I feel the tug on the leash leading me forward. The hallway is wide enough that my leash serves its purpose well enough despite my blindness. The robe is keeping me warm as it appears there is no heat in the house turned on. My mind is lost in trying to understand what had happened in the bathroom, and how embarrassed I had been afterwards. Tears are streaming down my face as we walk. She had made me feel wanted, and I had wanted her. She must notice the tears. The games were over, she again reminded me on the way down.

“*Oh* Holly, did you really think you were here to be pampered and loved and mothered?*”* She says in a mocking tone. She clicks her tongue.

Holly’s Tales…Part 7

The loud clicking of steps stops to the left of me. It’s *her*. I pick up a slight aromatic trail of her perfume, barely noticeable over the eucalyptus permeating the air. My breathing starts increasing the tempo despite the fact that nothing has happened. I feel a sharp nail gently poking my soft belly. I gasp. It moves up towards my breasts, the pressure increasing a little. I squirm as the sharp nail grabs my nipple for a moment…and then pauses. I grab the bar in my hands of the restraints and pull. I go nowhere. Her fingernail traces a slow, gentle circle around my nipple and I feel it harden immediately. There is a sudden arousal between my legs.

*Oh fuck yes…*

“ohhhhh” I accidentally moan. My eyes open suddenly under

She stops for a moment, but then moves her nail up my chest pressing harder, up along my neck, and then up my cheek. She turns the nail over and rubs the back side of her fingers along my cheek. Her nail hooks the blind fold and pulls it off. Before my eyes can adjust to the light, a hot, wet towel is placed over my face, thick and soothing on my eyes and face.

Categorized as Erotica

Holly’s Tales…Part 6

If a million candles had been lit along my path, I would not have glimpsed a single flicker. The sound of the patter of my feet along a warm tiled floor suggests we’re in a hallway. There are no turns, and shortly the warmed tile changes to something smooth and slightly textured.

*Wood floor?*

The sound abruptly changes and my footsteps are loud and distinct and reverberating throughout a large space. We’re in the large room beyond the massive glass windowed entryway. Oddly, the sound is uncomfortably familiar. As we continue our walk, I also realize that we haven’t made a single turn. Mister Donovan isn’t guiding me around any furniture. I walk on no rugs. I realize why it’s so uncomfortable.

*This room is empty.* *There’s no furniture or rugs or anything.* *Odd…*

Holly’s Tales…Part 5

*New car smell…that’s what that is.*

I look over at the steering wheel. I can just make out the big L in the middle, obscured a bit by her arms.

*A Lexus…nice.*

The black leather throughout is offset by a dark reddish wood dashboard and console with a river of pure black coursing throughout. The finish is smooth and polished. My fingers run over the wood on the control panel of the door. Her digital display is the same dark red light as the rest of the controls. I also notice the floor boards have a glowing red tint from lights under the seats.

*Wow, it’s even smoother than it looks.* *This is fucking nice.*

This is the most luxurious car I’ve ever been in. Even in my wet clothes I feel warm in the soothing heated leather. I look up and I realize that the monitor in the back of the seat in front of me is actually a good sized Samsung TV, nearly as black as the leather surrounding it. I noticed that the AC controls are in the back of the center console meant for the rear passengers, indicate that both sides can control their temperature settings. As we pull out of the parking lot and onto the street, there is very little jarring or rolling of the car.

Holly’s Tales…Part 4

The black leather is warm when I slide onto it. The seats are heated. I close my eyes for a moment. I can feel the warm air blowing through the vents above me and below me. My skin is cold, my clothes wet. My hair is a mess; matted and pressed against my face, down in my eyes. Water is dripping down my face. I shiver a couple of times.


I’ve waited too long. My eyes snap open and I realize I haven’t buckled in my seat belt. I reach for it and turn my head to look at her. She’s actually smiling.

“Stop. Do not put that on.” She commands me. I take my left hand down and grab my right hand, the thumb of my right massaging my other palm. She looks down and sees, and then looks back at me. She says nothing and holds her gaze me for a moment. Her smile disappears.


I pull my hands apart and rest them on my thighs. Her smile returns.

I shiver again. She looks to my left and nods and I see her gym bag on the seat next to me.

Holly’s Tales…Part 3

I can tell Chris wants to intercept me on the way to the bathroom, but Amy grabs his arm. Whether it’s out of compassion or her telling him not to give a shit I don’t know. I’m thankful either way. I use the family bathroom that I can lock behind me for privacy. The echo of the heavy door slamming shut inside of the white tiled restroom is comforting in a way. A brick wall to protect me. I lean up against the cold porcelain and take a deep breath and sigh. The tears come easy.

By the time I’m done crying I’ve slid down the wall and I’m sitting on the bathroom floor. I’ve slept in worse conditions. A light knocking on the door…

“Miss, are you ok?” I have no idea who it is.


I wipe my nose and stand up.

“Yeah…yeah, I’m ok.” I lie. “I’ll be out in a minute.”


Holly’s Tales…Part 2

I’m in the back of the gym on a leg machine, the kind where you sit with your legs at ninety degrees with your shins pushing against a padded bar, and then straighten them, lifting the arm which pulls the cable which pulls the plates up in the process. The gym isn’t crowded today. There are maybe ten people here. I came with Chris and Amy but they’re off on the treadmills together up near the front of the gym by the windows. I’m not much into running long distances. Besides, twenty feet away, *she’s* working out. She’s doing single leg squats in front of the mirror and I can’t look away. Every time she stands up and her impossibly round and extruding posterior reforms, I imagine what it must feel like; muscular, firm, round, soft. Maybe a little soft when she’s not flexing them.

*I’d like to just rub her legs for a moment…*

Holly’s Tales…Part 1

Hope you enjoy, it gets drawn out a little. Going to add these in states if there’s enough interest. My first attempt and I’ve been allowed to post it here, so here goes…

Holly’s Tales

I’m sitting in a large, black wooden chair in his office, my hospital gown exposing my bare skin to the cold wood every time I try to get comfortable. My therapist looks at me. I can’t stand him. I know what he wants to happen here, today. He’s’ been asking me for months. What he wants to hear so he can go home and jack off to his notes in the bathroom alone because his sex life dried up years ago. A virtual Sahara in the bedroom I’m sure. I could fill his head with more than he bargained for. I don’t want to. I want to lie and make up something, but I haven’t been allowed to lie in over five years. Honestly I’m not sure if I know how anymore. Yet, the courts ordered this circus and if I ever want out, he’s going to have to get what he wants.