The Weekend Retreat Ch.04 {BDSM/ mdom/fsub}

[Chapter 3](

Enjoyyyy. Please let me know if you want more :D

Chapter 4: Saturday Morning

The next morning, Mia walked down to breakfast feeling so giddy. Last night was so much fun.

Today, she had such a packed day filled with classes and activities.

She really wanted to take advantage of everything this weekend had to offer. So, she had packed a small backpack with her essentials so she didn’t need to miss one slot in order to back to her room.

As she entered the busy lounge, Mia was so relieved she had a breakfast invitation from Erica and Eric. She was really hoping that she could just avoid Liam for the morning. Her gut told her that he made her feel uncomfortable. He was just so insistent, took the lead and made decisions without even consulting her. The fact he insisted on her taking the perfume straight away made her feel pressured.

The Weekend Retreat Ch.03 {BDSM/ fsub/mdom}

Previous Chapter Link[Chapter 2 Link](

Chapter 3: Friday Evening

“Here is your seat.

“Thank you Pixie.” Mia beamed as she took her designated seat. Although it wasn’t a formal dinner, a seating arrangement had been provided for evening meals to encourage mingling. The tables were long wooden beams, almost like something out of a English boarding school. Although the room looked quite formal, the fairy lights and random toys, including some cute pink handcuffs, on the tables reduced the formality of the surroundings.

Today she was opposite a brown haired man in a grey shirt, his sleeves were rolled up. Mia guessed he was in his mid thirties probably and was quite athletic with his polo clinging tightly onto his chest.

“Hi, my name’s Elliot. I’m one of the TWR coordinators and a dominant.”

“Mia. I’d say I’m submissive.”

“And this is my submissive Erica, she’s also a TWR coordinator.” Eric’s hand gestured beside him.

Mia peered down to the floor. Sitting on the floor, at Eric’s feet, was a tall, mixed race woman with a mass of curly brown hair. She was wearing a dark grey dress, with a matching ribbon in her hair, which pooled around the floor. Mia was perplexed. This is not what she expected submission to look like.

The Weekend Retreat Ch.02 {BDSM/fsub/mdom}

[Chapter 1 is here :)](


Mia sank into the huge chair by the window. The extra £25 for a first class ticket was definitely worth it. The carriage was clean and modern, and most importantly empty.

She then opened up her emails on her laptop. There was a few things from work which she needed to reply to. Then, she checked her email confirmation once more. Lastly, she gazed into TWR chat rooms. The organisers posted pictures showing them setting up the conference. Most rooms looked like typical conference rooms with the programmes on the corporate chairs and nibbles on the side of the room.

However, some rooms did not at all look like a typical at all. There were different rooms from an office room, a doctors room, a romantic getaway, a nursery style room, a classroom… Each room was completely unique, and Mia was impressed with the level of detail in each room. The only similarity between them was the blacked out windows for unsuspecting vanillas. She particularly liked the fact the rooms were so creative, it took some of the cringe out of role playing.

A Weekend Retreat (Chapter 1) BDSM/ female sub/ male dominant

Blurb: Mia, a newly qualified doctor, decompresses by submitting at a BDSM conference. Read to follow her weekend away.

Chapter 1: Friday Morning

Mia stares at the clock impatiently. The black arrows never seemed to move. Every second dragged. Her night shift was about to end once this conversation would just end. Goodness. She loved Mrs Robinson but the eighty year old postal worker just wouldn’t stop talking. Her consultant, Dr Page, was a jovial woman who was adored by staff and patients alike. The only issue was she also could talk for all of England. And Scotland. And Wales.

“We wish you the best of luck Jane.” Dr Page gave her patient a firm squeeze of the hand.

Mia jolted awake at those blessed words, which resulted in the curtains being yanked open. The incessant beeping of the observation machines had become rhythmic in the past hour of the ward round.

Dr Page glared at her. ”Have you written Mrs Robinson’s discharge letters?”