Behind the pavilion [straight][outdoor][anonymous]




It was hard to hear over the music, but it was even harder to focus on only the music or the dancing.
“Hey, do you want to get some air?” he asked during the next band break.

“Sure,” she said.

They walked over to a bench just outside the pavilion and sat down to enjoy the crisp fall air and try and cool off.

“I have a kid.”


“Yeah, he’s 9 and he’s amazing.”

“That’s awesome! … That seems sort of out of the blue, were-”

“I just have a thing about being up-front. So… I should probably add that I think you’re really gorgeous.”

“Wow, let me stop you right there.”


“Compliments make me uncomfortable.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not a big deal, I just, … don’t really know what to say in response.”

“Well,… if you’re merely lacking a positive reply and don’t have an actively negative response, I hereby declare that I am enjoying your lack of negative response.”