Sensitive Situations (Part One) [MF]

Your dark, toned legs rest either side of me. Your knees reach halfway up my chest, and behind you I can make out your smooth calves and upturned feet. Above me, your chest rises gently up and down, rhythmically lifting and lowering your ample breasts. Between us, my throbbing erection points skyward. You brush your hair out of your eyes and smile. Are you as excited as I am?

Leaning down toward me you lightly kiss my neck, slowly working your way from my collarbone up and up towards my ear. Your hands go the other way, running down my chest hair, your nails lightly scratching my skin as they descend toward my waist. As your mouth reaches my ear you pause, mouth open, breathing intentionally so that your warm breath engulfs me. Calms me. You begin working your mouth way back down my neck, gently tracing my upper jawline with your tongue. As you reach my lips I reciprocate, opening my mouth. Locked in a passionate kiss, I begin moving my hands up your rib cage, stopping as I feel the underside of your breasts on the top of thumbs.

Categorized as sexystories

My encounter at the Bar [MF] Part One

Back in January my boss asked me to attend one of those cheesy industry networking events at the Hilton Hotel downtown. I had been tasked with handing out our business cards in the hope that we’d make some connections with potential vendors and/or clients. I’m not sure if you guys are familiar with these events, but the only connections most people make tend to be their lips to a plastic cup of cheap wine. And while it did start out like that for me, it certainly ended differently.

The event was at the hotel bar. As soon as I got there I started making the rounds, awkwardly forcing my way into huddled groups of strangers to introduce myself and my company, and handing out a business card or two. As a young, fresh-faced 22 year old in my first ever job, most of the seasoned crowd more or less ignored me, or politely accepted my card before turning back to their conversation. After an hour I was worn out and felt defeated, but at least I was down to my last business card. I glanced around the room and by the door I saw a man and a woman who I hadn’t talked to yet. Both had their winter coats on and were finishing their drinks, seemingly ready to exit the hotel bar into the cold winter evening.

Categorized as sexystories