Worshipping my husband with breakfast in bed. (sweet)(blowjob)(adorable)(cinnamon rolls!)

I usually only write on r/dirtypenpals, but I found r/erotica when my wonderfully descriptive pen pal u/theclarkkent_ero began posting stories he wrote for me here.

This is my first try at writing one back for him! Much sweeter and more lovey than his writing, but check out his posts if you want something extra hot.


I’m standing in the kitchen in the soft morning light, waiting by the stove as the water heats up. Yawning, I wrap my arms around my waist and smile over at our closed bedroom door, happy to let you sleep in.

My curls are a wild, bed-head mess. It’s still early, and I don’t have any make-up on yet – just a clean face and glasses. When I woke up we were still naked, tangled together lovingly with my head on your chest and your arm wrapped around me, protectively, even in your sleep. I carefully maneuvered my way out of your embrace, hoping to let you keep sleeping.

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