Picnic Tables Are Fun.

“I want you to go to the park at 6pm sharp and wait for me, find a picnic table that is somewhat secluded and get on your knees, bent over the table. You pull your skirt up over your hips and lay across that table, completely exposed.”

She hears the words echo in her mind as she pulls into the parking lot of the park at the specified time. She shivers, unable to believe what she is about to do. Climbing out of her car, she makes her way down the path that leads deeper into the wooded area of the park. She knows where she is going, her shoes crunch along the gravel as she surveys her surroundings thankful it is a warm evening and knowing there shouldn’t be too many people out at this time of day.

Categorized as Erotica

Complaint Department

She fidgets nervously as she waits, contemplating how horribly wrong this could go. She shifts on her knees, settling her ass back onto her heels she tries not to crease the paper that she holds lightly in her hands. She reads her list of “complaints”, hoping he’ll take it lightly but also hoping he’ll see what she’s asking for and maybe give her the “punishment” she deserves for being so cheeky.

Sneaking a peek at the clock on the wall in his office, she adjusts her clothes quickly as she hears him come through the door. She holds her hands up, the sheet of paper laying flat on her palms, an offering to him as she keeps her head bowed. She hears him pause as he comes in, he stands in the doorway observing her position next to his desk for long moments. So long, she almost looks up to see if he’s still there, at that moment he steps softly into the room and moves to her side.

“What is this, pet?”

She lifts her arms higher, above her head holding the paper up for him. She whisper-mumbles to him, “My complaints, Sir.” She ducks her head down, extremely nervous now, her body almost vibrating with tension as she waits for him to respond.

Categorized as Erotica