He’s The One (m/f – watching)

Juan Ravero stopped swimming as he approached the beach, glad to catch his breath as he floated in the sparkling blue water around him. He treaded water silently, studying the villa in front of him, its sprawling gardens reaching down to the scrubby edge of the beach. He let his legs sink until he could feel his toes on the sandy ridges of the sea floor, six feet below.

He waded slowly through the surf, shielding his eyes from the glare of the strong Adriatic sun until he stood on hot sand.
As he walked up the beach, leaving perfectly-outlined footprints in the wet sand, he reached behind his neck and squeezed the sea out of his black wavy hair. The salt water trickled over his shoulders, down his back and over a tanned, muscular chest, his wet swimming trunks flexing tight over round buttocks as he moved.

A Man of Letters (m,f, humour?)

‘Right. I’m off. Don’t forget you’ve got an interview at two,’ she said.

‘Yeah yeah…’

She stopped at the living room door, turned and stared at her husband, sprawled along the couch in T-shirt and boxers.

‘And don’t lie there playing all day.’

‘I won’t,’ Jake said.

‘I mean it. You better not screw up this time, I recommended you.’

‘I’ll be there. Go to work.’

She looked him over. ‘You’d be off that couch quick enough for one of the neighbours.’

‘Don’t start that again.’ He scratched. ‘Actually I might see if one of them is going into town later, maybe get a lift.’
‘Yeah, which one?

‘Well, I don’t know yet, do I?’

‘Hmm. I’ll be late tonight,’ she said.


‘There’s some of last night’s dinner in the fridge.’

‘What’s his name?’

‘Whose name Jake? My boss’s name? The person I work for, the person who holds a sword over our finances, is that what you’re asking?’

‘Okay, I get it. You’re working late.’

‘Yeah.’ She spun round and marched out. He listened to the front door close, a half-hearted thud then a second, louder slam.

Monica – 18. Tight leather mini and boots.

Monica – Beginnings

‘I’ve just turned eighteen. College next term.’ Monica said, sipping the wine he’d handed her.
‘Oh,’ laughed her neighbour, ‘That was lucky then,’ pointing at her glass.
She laughed too – sounding, she hoped, a little nervous.

‘So, happy birthday to you,’ he continued. ‘Sorry I didn’t get you anything. If that lazy son of mine had told me…’
‘I probably hadn’t mentioned it. We chat over the fence, that’s all.’ She turned and walked to the large window, the bright sun creating a sparkling light around her. She paused, pretending to study the back garden through the glass, knowing he would be looking her up and down.

Her glossy black hair fell to the small of her back; her black-leather mini skirt tight over the high curve of her teenage backside. She was certain his eyes would eventually fall to the stiletto heels of her boots.
‘Nice garden – neater than ours,’ she said.
‘Yeah, wife does the layout. I’m just the hired gun.’
Monica turned and faced him, pulling her shoulders back, letting her hard nipples thumb at him through the silk blouse as she spoke.
‘Oh, I’m sure you’re more than that,’ she said licking her lips, ‘I’ve seen you with your shirt off.’
He spluttered over his glass then wiped his chin. ‘Sorry,’ he muttered.