[M4F] blood, sex, and blowjobs

Met this girl back in the day. Super chill, great convo, no red flags — we went out a couple of times before hooking up and the sex was great, with a slight tinge of kink — she liked gentle slaps on her breasts and dirtier talk than I was used to at that point — but on the whole, after a consistent week dates things were as normal as normal gets.

It wasn’t until much later that I realized she was anything but…

So how this happened was sort of a weird domino effect. There I was one day, drifting in and out of sleep while she sat on my butt and massaged my back… from what I remembered there was music playing, something relaxing and enya-esque… and then suddenly *wham!* I was snapped back into reality by a sharp piercing pain on my back. I still remember that the haze of sleep and confusion caused me to take a second to realize that she bitten me.


Both the shock and confusion had forced me to jolt up and involuntarily sent her falling onto the ground. My face a mixture of surprise and pain.

Categorized as Erotica