Were ch.2 [MM] [fantasy] [inc] (no underage) [Mdom] (bear/otter dad/son)

It all happened so fast, and motivated mainly by instinctive drives. The older men of my family had told me about it many times, but it always left me confused. They reassured me that it was one of those things that didn’t make a lot of sense until it happened.

I was still in awe though. Four nights ago I’d picked up a stranger at a bar under the overwhelming urge to own him and transform him. I’d fucked him over and over that night, at least half a dozen times. Since then I’d followed the advice I’d heard the older men of my family give me many times: I’d kept him in a dark room, in a nest of blankets, keeping him warm with my body. They’d told me not to do anything with him sexually, but I found instinctively that I only wanted to comfort him. I’d fed him rare meat- lots of it, his appetite was incredible. On time-honoured instructions, I gave him heavy cream mixed with my cum, which he guzzled like a drowning man. My cock was getting sore from jacking off enough to keep him hydrated.

Were [MM] [fantasy] [inc] (no underage) [Mdom] (bears)

It was a well-known, respected, and inevitable perversion in our family to lust after a man who’s not your own kin. It usually hit around your seventh or eighth decade, and was a biological urge that the men in our family were encouraged to follow.

When he sat on the barstool next to me, I caught the whiff of his leather jacket permeated with cigar smoke and I couldn’t help myself but to inhale deeply. My unnaturally keen sense of smell picked up the nondescript soap he’d washed with that afternoon, the common but still dizzingly nice aftershave he’d splashed on the few areas of his neck he’d shaved, and underneath that all the complex array of hormones and phermones that regular human beings were only aware of on a subconscious level. The combination of smells awakened something in me that I’d never felt before. There it was; a stirring in my cock for the heat of a man who wasn’t my brother, father, nephew, uncle, grandfather, or cousin. Before I turned to get a good look at him I already knew I wanted him in the most carnal and lasting way.