Balance and atonement [MFM][Mdom][Fsub][Drugs]

Walking in the door, your mind was on the work day that just passed. Another long day filled with people who weren't quite speaking English it seemed. No one could understand what you were trying to say, and they had issue trying to convey their own desires. Hanging your jacket on the coat hook you look towards the living room and see David looking back at you, and then the rush hits you. There was a car parked outside. Ivan's! So tired it didn't even register the other car parked in the driveway.

A memory rush hits you, about what had occurred a few months ago, on another warm summer weekend. Your memory of how Ivan tastes, a kindness you offered when you were a little short for the green you asked for (he rolled such great joints too!).

Your head imperceptive, swivels to confirm what you already know. There is Ivan. Smiling back at you. You slow stride allows you to process as you take a few steps. Ivan sitting on the couch to one side of the room, and David on the other side, sitting on the love seat. In the middle, on the wood framed glass coffee table is a plastic bag, filled with weed and joints, slightly spilling its bounty from within. Looks like your day isn't over yet, and you get the feeling what is in front of you could make the day seem small and meaningless compared to the potential here.

Time for a tune up [MF]

Pulling into the mechanics, you knew you were late. Kids and husbands do that to a lady. You made the appointment but life had a way of causing things to not work out. You called ahead to let them know, Mike answered and said it would be ok. You've been going to this spot for a few years and the guys here always took good care of your car.

Walking into the door, you notice its quiet. Very quiet. Looking at the clock on the wall, you know why. Its almost closing time. Good thing you only needed an oil change and tire alignment. Mike was usually quick with these little tasks. You look around and see him, staring at a computer screen. He hasn't noticed you walked in yet.

Mike was young. Mid 20s. Almost 6 feet tall with broad shoulders. His big brown eyes gave away a kindness. He always wore a smile on his face. His dirty blond hair was messy from a long day of work. His overalls were stained with the efforts of constantly striving to make his customers happy. You notice his large hands, covered in grime, moved with confidence. Mike has been doing this for years.

Have to pay your debts [MF, Oral, Drugs, Mdom, Fsub]

Been looking forward to this for a while. Its been a long while. No work shift. No husband. No kids. They planned a day with the grandparents at Nine Flags. Letting you have the house for the day. Ahhhh …

Sitting on the patio overlooking the beach. Dressed in your bikini, with a glass of wine in one hand, your second glass already, and a book in the other. I can never seem to get into this book. Something always comes up. Not today though. No disturbances here.

Putting the book down, you grab your music player. Queen's "The Game". Turning it up a little, you slide back into the chair as the first song, Play the Game begins. Taking a 'sip' of your wine, you rest the drink on the arm of your lounge chair and let your mind wander. You start to feel a little tingle over your body. The wine is doing its job. Doesn't hurt that you don't drink that often.

Stepping out of her comfort zone [FF][oral]

You just got off the phone with him. Ugh, he can be a real pain. "Do it yourself then." and hung up! The nerve! You told him that you had to go get the $20 that Lisa owed you and you would be home soon after that. Guess you will be going to the grocery store yourself. He can be such an ass sometimes, good thing he had an awesome cock.

Lisa was on the third floor. She said she would be in one of the rooms there and you would know which room by the door tag "House keeping, do not enter". She texted she would leave something to jam the door open. Once those doors shut, they automatically locked. So, off to look for the elevator. Should I text her, you thought. Nah, I can find her.

You arrived on the floor, looking left, looking right, ah, there it is, near the end of the hallway. You walked up thinking about your friend. You've known her for years. Always got along great and lately you've gotten closer since she became single. She has a lot more time to talk now, and often wants to talk about things. An advantage of being single, lots of spare time!