(Request) Looking for books

Hey all, I’m on the hunt. I’m looking for books – not for me, but for my wife. She’s no longer as into video porn as she has been, so I want to help find things that will do it for her.

I’m looking for literature – (probably) not lit-erotica, not fanfic. definitely not 50 shades of anything. Essentially, good writing that will also get the juices flowing.

Traditionally, she’s only read non-fiction – not that she’s too good for fiction, but she just hasn’t been interested in it. Recently, however, she’s read a couple of books that really clicked with her. One of them was the book “Brooklyn”. While reading that, she came across scene involving a couple having sex in the water. I think she got off a dozen times to that.

I’m happy to take suggestions, or provide more info on preferences, if needed.