[MF] White

It was a high rise hotel, one of those that seems to have been built just to host sex encounters. Rooms with walls of windows showing the city night lights, giving both privacy and exposure, a lure hard to resist. Beds of pristine white bedding, plush and inviting, upholstered headboards screwed to the wall so not banging to have security checking, a sofa with wide and curved arms, a reading chair roomy enough for straddling, a smooth wooden surface desk…all seemed to have been chosen to provoke the most wicked images.

He waited, standing near the bed, contemplating the evening going into night, the lights from surrounding high rises where maybe other lovers would be also waiting to indulge. He expected a sleepless night spent together, wrinkling sheets and knocking pillows down, leaving on the windows the imprint of hands and breasts, the fog of breath. A night of fucking one another as they did, no surprises, at least he didn’t think so…until she showed up.

She entered the room and approached, only stopping less than ten feet from him. She didn’t talk, didn’t smile, only looked at him and started undressing.

[MF] The Tryst

The party was at a friend’s house. You could always count on him to have good wine, great canapes, plus his house lent itself for this. A pool surrounded by porches where people mingled in little groups. It had started in the early evening but night was falling and torches were lighted around so we could see who we were chitchatting with and what we were eating, but each torch just covered one yard perimeter so there were shadowed areas in between, making one feel more private than it really was.

I was there with a friend, who had already wandered off talking with colleagues, unaware or uncaring of having left me to fend by myself. I approached the buffet table to browse the offerings when I noticed him.

I had seen him before, had even been introduced to, but never truly engaged in a conversation. I found him attractive, and when we had shaken hands a current of awareness had radiated from that touch. Waters as uncharted as beckoning, those. And now he was looking at me while walking on my direction.

[MF] The Red Dress

The bachelorette party required that all women attending wore red. I loved that color but I didn’t wear it much. For work I never did (unless it was lingerie out of view which never failed to put an extra kick on my step) and seldom when going out. Still, I did have a few pieces for more intimate settings. So, for my friend’s au revoir to single’s life, I chose my tightest red dress. In for a penny…

I put on the red silky panties, those with a golden ring by my hip bones, and a matching red bra with white lace. Then I slipped into the dress, with its knee length, high neck and French length sleeves. Twisting and feeling like a Cirque du Soleil performer I managed to pull up the zipper on the back. I studied my shoe shelves pondering the heels to wear. It was a garden party (which kind of killed the odds for a male stripper, darn) so I decided to downplay it wearing the flower printed canvas pumps which weren’t as prim as one would think. I put them on and checked myself on the mirror. Oh, the memories this brought! I pulled my phone from my purse and took several pics that immediately I messaged you. I knew exactly what they would do to you, knew to the minimum detail the images they would bring forward, and relished the uncomfortable moments that you’d have at work if you opened my text in public. I dearly wished it was so, couldn’t wait for you to plot a revenge, like the previous time I had worn this very same dress.

Sleep [MF]

Quietly I entered the bedroom. You had gone to bed a short while ago, so I let enough time elapse to make sure you wouldn’t be wide wake, but also not that long that you would be deep asleep. I wanted to catch you in that ‘falling asleep’ stage, when you’d still sense reality without reacting too quick to it.

I was naked, for so is how I sleep, and had my little vibrator in hand. I stopped by my side of the bed and contemplated your immobile form, your back to me, your breathing soft unlike mine, already a bit shallow. I slid next to you, trying not to touch you to not wake you up too soon. Slowly I pulled the sheet over me, its coolness a caress over my sensitized skin, brushing my nipples and hardening them a bit.

Laying on my back I turned my vibrator on and pressed it against my clit. A light shudder run down my legs and up my tummy. My thoughts had had me aroused for a while, and the suction of the little head of my toy was too much. I bit back a moan and moved my vib away from my clit and down to play over my lips.

The Meeting [MF]

My heels clicked on the shiny floor of the hotel lobby and a few heads turned to look at me as I crossed from the reception desk to the elevators hall. I wouldn’t look out of place if it wasn’t for the hour. I was dressed in a business ensemble, well cut since the labels were Italian, as were my heels, but it was conservative with its gray and black tones, plus the slightly transparent shirt was covered by the buttoned up jacket. Nothing to advertise that I was heading to some very un-businesslike dealings.

My executive appearance wouldn’t have stood out within the daily crowd, but the evening crowd gathered to hit the VIP club at the top floor was a different matter. Young women dressed for the kill were certainly a sharp contrast to me. I smiled knowingly and a number of the men around noticed and stared at me wondering. My wicked and confident little smile contrasted with my serious attire and, males on the hunt as they were, they didn’t miss the signal.