[23F] Met my rare bull in the book store [Cuckold] [MF] [female submissive]

I’m a mid 20s white girl, shy looking and average-pretty in a librarian sort of way. I make friends easily because I’m not as shy as I seem.

Ever hear about the one that got away? Old timers talk about fish like that, but for me, there’s a special guy who is the one who got away. We were in college together, but never single at the same time. Strong energy, and I found out early on that he was stacked.

There are big dicks, then there are man swords that slay the pussy. Big is nice, but really big is nicer. He let me touch him once at a party, and I saw some pictures, but I never got a taste. For our story, we’ll call him Chad. I guess that makes me Stacy.

I came home one weekend with my boyfriend to visit the family. We were already exploring cuckolding play in our life, and I had almost forgotten about Chad. It was day two on our trip when he messaged me on the book of faces and commented about my back home post.