Hospital Treat

He walked in to see how she was doing.

“In pain,” she said, “but I’ll survive.”

He saw her laying on the stale, white hospital bed with her gown and her pants still on underneath.

I hate to see you in pain he said as he leaned in to giver her a kiss. Their lips pressed together, held tightly in a passionate embrace, then pulled apart.

She smiled then said, “That kind of helped, I’m in .00345% less pain now.”

Luckily, she had gotten a room alone that came with it’s own private bathroom.

“Damn, we’re living the high life,” he said, “VIP bitches!”

“Waiting is the worst, when was the las time the doctor came?” He asked.

“Literally right before you got here.” She told him.

“Perfect, I know just the thing to pass the time and it happens to also be the best pain reliever.” he said with a glint in his eye.

He closed the green curtain, sauntered over to her, lifted up her gown, and began to unbutton her pants.

Perplexed she asked, “What are you doing?”

“Just trust me,” it will make you feel better.

Categorized as Erotica

Someone asked challenge people to describe their favorite erotic place. This was my answer.

It’s not about the place. It’s about the person. Just about anywhere can be erotic if you’re with the right person, or the right person walks into the room.

Let’s start with the former shall we? Say you’re sitting in a coffee shop, facing the door near a window sipping on a hot steaming cup of coffee. As you’re looking out the window feeling the warm sun on your elegant face sense the door open and a presence enter the room.

A tall man, with great hair, wear the clothing that you love to see on a man walks in turns his head slightly and locks eyes with you for just longer than he’s supposed to. Yet something about his gaze ignites a fire in you and your panties get wet. This makes this even more erotic because you’re in public. (For men it would be a hard on). You then begin to think about when that person last masturbated, or how they look when they have sex, and what portion is their favorite. You bite your lip and turn around to catch is gaze again.

Categorized as Erotica

A sexy encounter in a hospital room

He walked in to see how she was doing.

“In pain,” she said, “but I’ll survive.”

He saw her laying on the stale, white hospital bed with her gown and her pants still on underneath.

I hate to see you in pain he said as he leaned in to giver her a kiss. Their lips pressed together, held tightly in a passionate embrace, then pulled apart.

She smiled then said, “That kind of helped, I’m in .00345% less pain now.”

Luckily, she had gotten a room alone that came with it’s own private bathroom.

“Damn, we’re living the high life,” he said, “VIP bitches!”

“Waiting is the worst, when was the las time the doctor came?” He asked.

“Literally right before you got here.” She told him.

“Perfect, I know just the thing to pass the time and it happens to also be the best pain reliever.” he said with a glint in his eye.

He closed the blue curtain, sondered over to her, lifted up her gown, and began to unbutton her pants.

Perplexed she asked, “What are you doing?”

Categorized as Erotica

A Sexy Christmas Eve Love Story

He called her up the day before Christmas Eve to see if she wanted to go to the outdoor ice skating rink downtown.

Her phone rang and she answered;

“Hello,” she said.

“Hey, what are you up to, you sexy muffin?” he asked.

“Just putting some lotion on my legs and listening to Christmas music,” she told him while she laid on her bed with the phone held tightly between her shoulder and ear as she squirted out another drop of lotion to apply to her smooth tan leg.

“Do you need some help?” He questioned -partly jokingly, but also very much wanting to.

“Help putting on lotion?” She asked.

“No, help picking the right Christmas music” he remarked, teasing her, looking for a laugh.

“Haha, you weirdo,” She said.

“I know, anyhow, I wanted to see if you wanted to join me for a little late night ice skating and drinks tomorrow night?” he asked (detail?).***

Feeling eager, but trying to hide it she told him, “yeah, that sounds fun -it will have to be after I have dinner with my family though.”

Categorized as Erotica