The College Experiment [MTF] [Bi]

“Hey, uh, I think there’s a mistake on this form.”

“Lemme see,” the bored looking psych major leans out over the desk, impatient and pissed that she has to do something for her work study. “Where?”

“right here, “ I say, “This experiment says $15,000 stypend. shouldn’t there be less zeroes? None of the other experiments run over a hundred bucks.”

She shrugs, “dunno. It’s on paper though, Not my problem if the school fucked up and you have proof.”

“So I signed up.”

Two days later I get called down to Aldon 203. There’s a panel of seven or eight grad students and at least three profs. “Hi Mr. Granger” says Dr. Winstone, “ Please have a seat.”

I sit.

“we’ve called you here today to interview you for Experiment # 201.”


“Yes. I’m sure you saw the stipend rate for this experiment.”

“Yeah. I figured it was a typo.”

“Not at all Mr. Granger. But I”m sure you can understand that we have a rather high number of applicants and only two openings, so interviews are in order.”

“Ok. Shoot.”