Dirty Dishes. [MF] [Reluctant] [Anal]

I stood in the doorway of the kitchen, arms crossed, glaring at the pile of dishes that had piled up in the sink. The same pile of dishes James had promised to do yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, and before I went to bed. I’m normally perfectly okay with doing the dishes and cleaning around the house, but when James tells me he’s going to do them, I expect him to do them. Call it petty, call it something I shouldn’t get angry over, but a bitch feels what she has to feel.

There are two options here. I could go into the office, interrupt his game watching, and ask him to do them. Or I could do them myself and give him a well-deserved attitude until he makes it up to me. The latter seems more entertaining to me.

I sighed and walked over to the dishwasher, opening it to see it full of clean dishes that James had also neglected to put away. The steady boil in my stomach sped up to a raging boil, and I grabbed the silverware, almost throwing them into their proper places in the drawer. Now that my attention was on the silverware, I began to get even more agitated when I realized some of the big spoons were in the little spoon spots, and vice versa.

Night In. [MF] [Rough]

The lingerie underneath my clothes served as a constant reminder to both myself and my pussy of what would, or s*hould* come tonight. I was becoming weary, though. As James and I walked home hand in hand, he stayed silent. Every attempt I made at making conversation was shot down. His gaze was stone cold and empty, and at this point I was starting to wonder if I had genuinely pissed him off, and that this wasn’t going to be a playful night.

It had been a while since we made love, something we both noticed but didn’t talk about. James had picked up a later shift at work, and I an earlier one. I was gone by the time he woke up in the morning and when he got home, I’d be asleep. Both of us were constantly tired, overworked. Today was the first day in two weeks we had each other to ourselves, and nothing had happened. I suppose it didn’t help that we had been out and about the majority of the day.

Categorized as Erotica