What’s the worst that could happen?

Is it corny that this all happened on my birthday? Not that anyone even knew that it was my birthday, but I kept thinking to myself the whole time everything was happening, “I can’t believe this is what I will always think of on my birthday for the rest of my life.”

I was staying at a cheap motel that I had never intended to stop at. I was taking a mini road trip to visit a friend, (just 3 days,) and was planning to drive another 3 or 4 hours before stopping for the night, but I was hungry from only eating road snacks and sleepy from the oh so hot summer sun; so on a whim I pulled off the freeway into a tiny town that I’d never heard of, (but that I will now never forget,) and checked into the only option in town and grabbed a bite at the diner across the road.

Fundraising, Part 2 (Mf, MDom, Training)

You take me by the hand and lead me back to the living room. “Right. Now that we’ve ascertained that you’re in heat and badly in need of a man’s guidance, let’s get started. Have a seat on the floor Amy,” you say and then make yourself comfortable on couch. I sit where you tell me, my mind reeling. How did I get myself here? I was just selling chocolate bars for my high school fundraiser door to door in my apartment complex, and when you invited me inside I didn’t really think anything of it. Did I really not tell *anybody* where I was going to be? Did I really just slide my own wet pussy across your hand willingly? What the hell?!

I realize that even though the front door is locked, the sliding glass door in the living room is open about six inches or so. I could run. Right now I could jump up and run out of your apartment. I could never come back here or speak to you again or even walk past your door. I could. I should. …But I don’t. I do feel like an old part of me is leaving, but another part of me, a new part of me practically feels like a switch was flipped when I came here to you. I hear the strength in your voice, and my body knows the truth of it.

Taking in a matinee [MFsub]

You have me standing in the back of a theatre. It’s the matinee of a movie in its fourth or fifth week, so the theatre is all but empty. Standing with the back of the seat pressing against the front of my thighs, I feel you approach and stand behind me just after the opening credits roll. Although we’ve never actually met, I’ve already been instructed by you not to turn around. So it is on faith alone that is indeed you and not some random frotterizer standing too close to me.

You move even closer to me, and you grip my waist with strong hands. I’ve been dripping wet since buying my ticket so when I feel your hard cock pressing against my ass I’m amazed at the new flood of juices coming from my pussy.

My breath catches in my throat as you jerk my skirt up and instinctively I start to swivel around to face you.

“Don’t you dare fucking turn around,” you whisper fiercely in my ear. “If you want me to stuff my thick white cock in that tight black pussy that I could smell from the lobby, then you’ll face fucking forward like the hungry hole that you are. Now reach back and spread those lips wide apart for me.”

Categorized as Erotica

Late night with Daddy M/f

I wake up super thirsty in the middle of the night. All my friends are still sleeping soundly in sleeping bags all around me on the floor. We’ve been laughing, and playing, and eating pizza all night until finally we practically passed out after crashing from the ice cream sugar high that we’d been riding. I get up groggily and go quietly downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I pass the den as I’m headed to the kitchen and notice that it’s dimly lit with the pale blue flickering light of the television set. I walk to the doorway and see you sitting on the couch watching tv. I can’t see what you’re watching because I can only see the back of the tv from the doorway. I’m kind of mesmerized by you because you’re only wearing boxer shorts and I’m fascinated by being able to see you so exposed. You look so big and strong, and I find the thick hair on your chest and legs exciting.

Categorized as sexystories

[fM raceplay] Working off the “interest…”

I come straight to your apartment after school just as you told me to. My breathing is coming super fast and my hands are trembling as I work up the courage to knock on your door.

Yesterday my stepfather sent me down to the Manager’s apartment in our complex to tell you that he would need an extra week to get you our rent money. Your eyes gleamed hungrily at me as you slowly circled me, looking me up and down. You stood behind me and put your strong hands heavily on my shoulders, “That’s fine. I will simply expect you here every day promptly after you get out of school to pay off the interest that accrues until your stepfather pays his rent. Starting tomorrow.”