Taiwanese Sex Prison [M/M/M]

Jiang Shui was sitting inside of the police station waiting for the officer to finish his paperwork. He had just been arrested for drugs and prostitution, and he was a bit bruised from being tackled onto the grass. He was not a large man at all, he did not look a day over 15 despite the fact he was 23 years old. “You should be a better citizen.” the police said to him. He spit on the cop’s uniform and barked “Don’t pity me!” The officer was pissed, and turned back to the paperwork in a fit. “Just for that, I am going to send you to Dongxi prison! Shui did not know at the time, but the officer was resigning him to a crueler fate than he could have imagined. The officer took him to the van to transport him to the prison, and squeezed his left butcheek so hard it made him jump. “SHYANG” he screamed, as he jumped up and got into the van.