The Bath Fuck [Roommates with chemistry] [Rough to gentle] [Banter] [Partly true]

When Carlo got home, the kitchen was destroyed and Bri’s homework littered the kitchen table. This didn’t happen often, but Carlo’s appetite got the better of him. He was easily hangered. A beer and piece of summer sausage would have to do.

He could hear music coming from the bathroom above him the entire time. Was she taking a bath? This made him only more irate, as he started to handwash the pots and pants, munching on a piece of sliced cheese.

“Bullshit.”, he muttered to himself, tossing down the sponge and steering towards the stairs. He ascended, his footsteps heavy. He wasn’t no string bean. The new day job has put a couple pounds of fat on him, but he still had the build of a college athlete. Carlo tried the door on the bathroom. It opened.

The lights were off and red candles adorned the tub’s perimeter. Carlo aggressively flipped them on. Bri was indeed taking a bath. Her head had been laid back, but she looked up puzzled. “Can I help you?”, she asked flatly raising one eyebrow.

Sex with with my thick as hell best friend while higher than dogecoin.

I slipped off the footstool, fell on my ass, and the bag of chip clips dumped off the shelf all over my face. I had a fleeting fantasy that a man was spunking my cheeks and not clips. I’m not gay. These are just domination fantasies right? 90 percent I’m sure I’m not gay. My vision was spirals. For second the kitchen lamp became the sun, and I was a 39 year old man with a family, beautiful wife, and nephews. Snap back to the real. Or whatever this is.

My name is David. Or Daniel? No. It’s Daniel. I’m twenty nine years old. My dad hates me and my step mom is sick. My brother just moved to Colorado. I live in Denver. I work warehousing for a fab shop. I love the hell out of sativa and whatever was in the hell pills Claire dropped into the Fanta. Oo. There’s still fanta. On the table. That’s a fuck shit easier than fresh lemonade. I’m not sure I could cut lemons anyways. And oh yeah. I’m way too high to go buy lemons. Fuck, my name is Chris. And I’m totally naked and have a raging boner. Dammit.