Maid and the Stableboy (fm)

*I can’t,* she’d said. *Not like this.*

*You can,* he’d whispered in her ear, his breath hot, sending shivers down her spine. His lips had brushed her ear and she’d shuddered from the sheer pleasure, the closeness of it. *But you won’t let yourself. There’s a difference.*

His words played over and over in her head as she slipped her serving gown off her shoulders and slowly bathed in the steel basin by her bedside. She was the maiden of an important lady. He was the Lord’s stableboy. It wasn’t proper for them to spend time together, let alone for him to whisper such dark, delightful things in her ear…. Raven’s knuckles whitened around her shoulder as she paused. Warm, soapy water dripped from her fingers, sliding down over her skin and to her breasts. The feeling of his strong, callused hands on her shoulders, her neck, her face… she couldn’t be rid of them, despite how hard she tried. They cycled through her head, again and again.

*I wanted him to stop,* she told herself firmly. *It isn’t proper, he’s beneath my station, and…*

Dark Little Deal (fm)

Raven breathed a sigh of relief as she finished inputting the last of the invoices. She stretched her arms over her head, yawned a little, and took a look around the office. A few people were still warring away valiantly, but most of her team had already left for home. Her phone buzzed under her fingertips, and she opened it to see a message from her… boyfriend, of sorts.

*I’m going to be in the office in three minutes. I want it empty and I want you available. Do I make myself understood?*

The secretary’s heart started to beat a little too fast, and her face flushed with warmth. The last time he’d done something like this, she’d been sore for two days afterward… but it’d been some of most delicious and satisfying sex ever. It’d taught her things about herself she’d never have dreamed of before he’d hired her. Raven stood up, got their attention, and dismissed the other employees for the day. Once the last had left the room, Raven went to the bathroom to freshen up.

(mf) Lisa

I saw the flicker in her eyes, that familiar, playful smile. That one second of give, when her defences fell and I knew that she wanted me just as badly as I wanted her. It’d been months – months – since we’d seen each other. My hands were in her hair before she could stop me, and Lisa didn’t even resist – she leapt up, wrapped her lean, strong legs around my waist. The wall found her back and I found her under me again. Her perfume filled my nose, and as I caught her to stop her from slipping, I felt a soft moan slip from her mouth. Her lips were soft, warm, inviting, and I lost myself in them for a moment. She was already grinding against me. Stronger than before, more insistent. This girl had been hitting the gym since I’d last seen her… I felt her bite my lip, none too gently, and I hissed. That feline smile flitted over her face, and Lisa caught my belt, tried to pull at it. Useless. I dropped her to the ground, tore the belt free, then watched her saucily slip a shoulder out of her silky, tight gown. No bra, just a firm, irresistible breast… but as I reached for her, she slapped my hand out of the way and grabbed my jacket lapels, and bit my neck. Sank her teeth into my flesh with just the right amount of pressure to make me snarl like an animal.

(mf) – Malia

The girl in the library wouldn’t stop staring. I was working on a novel, same as usual, but out of the corner of my eye, I couldn’t help but watch her. Her legs were curled under her on the sofa, and the book she had open in front of her was something fantasy-based. Wide, black-rimmed glasses framed a wonderfully pretty face. She wasn’t wearing anything special, just a comfy-looking pullover and tight jeans. The stare stretched on a while, five minutes, longer again. Oh, sure, occasionally she’d glance down at her book and pretend like she was reading it. Eventually, my curiosity overcame my caution and I closed the lid on my laptop. Slipped it into my backpack, swung the thing over my shoulders. Then I got up and walked towards her. I couldn’t read those eyes of hers. They were this light, baby-blue colour, all innocence. But there was something just a little darker lurking under the surface, I was sure of it. My constant paranoia had been in pretty good swing of late. But she looked gorgeous, and if I was honest, I wasn’t really feeling writing today. My car was parked outside, and my paycheck from the last online release was sitting comfortably in my bank account. Wouldn’t kill me to take a chance that this adorably cute wallflower was interested. She swung her feet off the sofa and looked down, like she’d not been staring at all, and I just stood there, looking over her. She was tall, I realised, a proper statuesque stunner. Slim, curved out in all the right places. There were quirky green Cons on her feet, and as I glanced down at my own, I decided that we would’ve easily fallen under some hashtag on social media if we were to do some casual photo shoot. #beautifulnerds or something.