Go With The Flow: Ch3

Hello again!

I hope everyone is doing well. If you’re enjoying the story, please let me know below! I always love feedback and do my best to respond to anyone that reaches out to me.

If you’re new to the story, you can find Chapter 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hdgysi/go_with_the_flow_chapter_1/).

Enjoy, and stay safe.



“Come on,” I begged. She wouldn’t tell me what the change was, which was annoying as hell. “What did it do?”

“I’m not telling.” Her singsong voice taunted. “But I’m sure you’ll notice soon enough.” She frowned. “Or maybe you won’t. The card didn’t say whether you’d be made aware of the change.”

“Yours didn’t either, but you still felt the changes.”

“True. What color was that card?”

I thought back to it. “Blue. It said ‘mental change’.”

Her fuller lips pursed and she shrugged. “Mine was yellow. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just a different sort of change. It was… kind of mental? But it had more to do with, well…” she bared her teeth, “…something else.”

Go With The Flow: Ch2

Hello again!

Thanks for checking out my work! I’ve been enjoying this one a lot. If you missed the first chapter you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hdgysi/go_with_the_flow_chapter_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x).

Please enjoy.



“Holy shit is right.” She said. Honestly, I’d completely forgotten she existed. I looked up from my still-tingling hand to find that the change had taken place immediately.

Her lips were absolutely larger than they’d been just a second before, but they didn’t look wrong at all. They just looked fuller, like they fitted her face better. When she finally stopped licking around them and touching them with her fingers I got an even better look and realized just how much of a person’s expression is made up by their mouth. The spell hadn’t just made them larger or fuller, they seemed to be shaped differently, too. More pouty, and, I’ll admit, more kissable. I gulped.

“Well, say something!” she said.

“They’re…” I frowned, snapping out of my thoughts. “How did you not know that about M&Ms?”

“I meant my lips, dude.” She stuck her tongue out at me. Wasn’t that a sight?

Go With the Flow: Chapter 1

Thanks for the read!

This story is being published on [tgstorytime.com](https://tgstorytime.com) and will soon be available on [literotica.com](https://literotica.com) as well. If you enjoy my work– and especially if you don’t– please leave a review with thoughts and suggestions on my writing!

This story will involve gender transformation, kinks, and maybe some sex. Enjoy.



“You want to play a game?”

I looked up from my phone at her and shrugged. “Sure.”

We’d been watching TV for the past hour and nothing was really catching our attention, so any change was welcome. I stretched and yawned, reaching for my cup of coffee. *Damn.* It had cooled off.

“Great. I’ve got something special from the school that I want to try out.” She was definitely holding back a grin. This wasn’t good news. At the very least, I’d need a fresh cup of coffee.

Categorized as Erotica