Our first ‘date’ (Part 2)

He moved his hands over my breasts and stomach. He reached down and slipped his hands down my panties.

“You are so wet already” he sounded surprised, but he knows how easily my pussy drips.

He slid his fingers around, playing with my clit and lips, making sure every inch of lace was feeling the wetness. He pulled his hand out and put his fingers in my mouth. I licked them clean, just as he had taught me.

His hands went back to my hips. He grabbed my panties, slid them over my ass and thighs, down my legs and flicked them off the bed. His hands went straight back to my pussy. He slipped two fingers inside of me, only for a split second, but I wasn’t expecting it and let out a loud moan. He started to move down the bed, still teasing my pussy, and then his head went between my legs and he licked me.

He stopped for a moment. “I’ve been waiting so long to taste you” he moaned.

Our first ‘date’ (Part 1)

He told me to meet him at the hotel. His flight only got in 3 hours ago, so surely he would have only just got there. I wasn’t complaining.
I got in the car and started driving to the hotel. All the doubts started running through my head, what if he doesn’t like me? What if I’m not what he is expecting? Photos can be deceiving and it’s human nature to only want to show off what you like about yourself, and hide the flaws.

I was wearing the bra and panties that he had picked out for me. They were black. He always said I looked sexy in black. Over the top of my lingerie I had a short dress. It was summer, but today was quite cool. I had purchased this dress especially for the occasion so I decided to put up with the cold and still wear it.

I pulled into the car park. The hotel looked quite fancy from the outside. I could feel my heart starting to race in my chest. My hands were a bit shaky as I parked my car, switched off the ignition, grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I didn’t get any better as I walked into the lobby and took the elevator up to the 6th floor.

Categorized as Erotica