Craving [M/F BDSM Petplay]

I lie in bed, staring into the inky blackness of the night. My thoughts, racing, jumping from stressing over work, to what I want to eat tomorrow, and everything in between. In the silence and darkness, my brain is left to its own devices, running rampant, worrying. Alas, you are not here to assuage my worries, relieve my stress.

That is when I crave you most. Your warm, soft body lying next to me. The measured sound of your breathing, the gentle motion of your chest rising and falling, the almost imperceptible thumping of your heart pushing life throughout your body. Even with the lights off, our room is never dark when you’re with me. Your spirit shines so intensely, it overpowers every worry and care I have. I know I should be sleeping, letting you rest as well, but my need to have you overpowers reason and common sense. My body aches to feel your skin against mine, your lips on my lips, a moan escaping when I pull away to look at you. Every cell in my body hums with an energy unlike anything I have experienced outside of you, outside of us.

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