Coming Home (M/F)

It was a long day, stressful and the only thing getting me through was the thought of her and when I saw her gently washing an old up in the sink, I knew I had to have her.

I held her hand and swung her around close to me, my arm wrapped around her waist, kissing the back of her neck, soft little kisses up her neck and a soft slow pucker of her ear.I felt her shimmer and lean forward, her sweet little ass pushing against my groin, feeling me against her, growing. i reached up, my hand over her breasts, holding one on my hand, rubbing her nipple in circles over her shirt.

After a long day (M/F)

It was a long day, stressful and the only thing getting me through was the thought of her and when I saw her gently washing an old up in the sink, I knew I had to have her.

I held her hand and swung her around close to me, my arm wrapped around her waist, kissing the back of her neck, soft little kisses up her neck and a soft slow pucker of her ear.I felt her shimmer and lean forward, her sweet little ass pushing against my groin, feeling me against her, growing. i reached up, my hand over her breasts, holding one on my hand, rubbing her nipple in circles over her shirt.

Categorized as sexystories

Rainy Day for Us (M/F)

The rain pitter pattered on my roof, and the clouds hung low. It was chilly, so I made a fire and wrapped myself in a blanket, the perfect day for a nap. I lay there, listening to the crackles, flickers and pops of the fire. My eyes felt heavy, the warmth of the blanket, the fire making me sleepy. I heard a small tap on my bedroom door, but thought it was the rain and closed my eyes again and curled up tight under the blanket. Again, the soft tap tap tap at my door. I considered the rain for a moment, as thunder rumbled through the house. I opened my eyes just a bit, and there you are. Smiling, leaning against the door frame, your hair slightly a mess, your dress smattered with rain, you were shivering a bit.

“Care for some company? I’m dying for a nap, too” Smiling at me.


My heart skipped for a moment as I stared at you, so beautiful that it made me ache. You smiled as you walked over to my bed.

‘Ill need to get out of these wet clothes’ as you slipped your dress off, letting it to the floor.

Categorized as sexystories