Confession (the first 3 chapters)

Dear reader, I apologize for the format, but this is how it ported over from Notes on my iPhone. Please enjoy and I would LOVE some feedback! Thanks in advance.


To whom it may concern,

Weird way to start a confession letter, I know, right? This is one thing I have to get off of my chest on the eve of my wedding night. I’m marrying a wonderful man but this “thing” is really getting to me. I mean, I didn’t even know David at the time, but even though I’m not ashamed of the events that took place, I’ve never had the nerve to tell him.

Her First

Her first

It was our 25th Anniversary and even though we aren’t big on celebrating, my wife and I decided to hit a local pub for dinner. It was late evening so it was busy, but the wave was still to come. We live in a college town, so throughout our dinner the crowd seemed to get younger and younger, but in our mid forties, that seems to happen a lot lately. As our meal ended the conversation meandered from our children, three boys two of them grown and another almost in college, to how we met and where our young lives had gone.

A few glasses of wine and a few beers later it was time to leave and my wife excuses herself to the bathroom, at which time I notice how packed the bar was. The noise was impressive, but up to that point I hadn’t noticed. My wife squeezed her way through a crowd and disappeared into the ladies room. Within seconds a beautiful blonde girl approached the table and sat down next to me. Taken aback all I could muster was a “Hello.”

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