Cassie and Adam Fiction, M/F

It was raining heavily as Cassie Lewis walked rapidly while holding her handbag above her head, trying to save herself from getting too drenched, Her car had stalled and she had to leave it where it was. Her friend Molly Carpenter lived only a few blocks away, so she headed there. They worked in the same office and had been friends for years. Cassie was single while forty-five year old Molly had divorced her husband five years ago when she found him in their shower with a young woman.

Since since then Molly was living with her youngest son Adam who was soon turning nineteen, and in the local college. Adam was a decent looking guy, and a bit shy. And due to a bad event, was still fearful of being alone, but only at night.

Cassie had just turned thirty and had men asking her out all the time, Since most had made some sort of sexual reference or stared her well developed boobs, she turned them down, hoping to find a man who would like her for who she was. Molly and Cassie worked out often so they were quite fit. They felt the eyes of most men in the office staring at them, and most likely mentally undressing them. Although they were not fond of it, they realized the term “MILF” fit them.

Seeking readers

Hi there, I am looking for some good betas who would be interested in helping me by reading my work, and provide constructive criticism. I need someone who is positive in the way they phrase their critique. Looking for character thoughts, how believable it seems, feelings expressed, grammar, etc… I appreciate anyone willing to addition to helping me to perfect my erotica. I used open office to write, but also saved in doc. format. Please message me if interested.

Plot Callie has never had a boyfriend or even been kissed. She often feels like a third wheel with her friends due to her shyness, especially around boys. That is until she meets an older man with whom she takes an immediate interest in. As she begins to explore her sexuality, life doesn't seem so bad after all. (All characters are 18 or older)