The Punch Bowl Party [FFF+][bd][inc][alcohol]

“Does this look ok?” Tara looked at her outfit in the full length mirror.

“Whatever you wear is fine, relax.” Kate her older sister told her looking over her shoulder, trying on a shirt herself.

“This is the big party, right? The one where all the crazy stuff happens? I just want to make a good impression.” Not that Kate would ever reveal what that crazy stuff was.

“You’re worrying too much. Tonight is just about having fun.” Kate was a senior on the team and her sister was the new girl. Tara quickly proved herself through raw talent and was accepted on the team. They had just won their first game and tonight was the celebration party where they “welcomed” the new athletes.

Dressed and ready the sisters got a cab to the party. Tara had asked if she should bring some booze, but Kate told her it would all be taken care of. They found the house and were greeted by their team mate at the door.

The single moms club [Str8] [FM] [bareback]

Andrea followed the directions she was sent to the address of the airbnb. Looking over at her son Ross she thought he looked a bit tense as he stared at his phone.

“Are you still sure you want to do this? It’s still not too late to go home.”

“Yeah, I want to do this. I’m just a bit nervous.”

“Me too. I can’t believe we’re doing this. It’s all so crazy!”

It all started when she commented on the photo that a friend of a friend posted of her son at college. This started a conversation with a woman named Tania about how hot younger guys were. Their messages started to get racier and it came out that both had 18 year old sons. When Andrea said she was single Tania started telling her about the get togethers she had with other women like her.

They pulled up to the house and knocked on the door. In seconds a smartly dressed woman opened the door smiling.

“Andrea! It’s nice to finally meet you in person. And you must be Ross. Come in!” She led them in and sat down with them on the couch.