Who I Wanted to be in the Strange Place [M] [Gay] [group] [sci-fi]

Where was I? What was this impossible place? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere? Something pulled upon me or led me forward; it beckoned me and I knew I must continue onward. I moved slowly and each precarious step I took felt delayed; as if I were pulling my limbs through an invisible, thick haze.

I couldn't remember what had come before. I tried to focus, shaking away the other questions that I knew I wouldn't be able to answer. No, I was more curious about now. Now was all that mattered.

This place was peaceful although utterly ambiguous. If there were walls at my side none of them had any notable features. I was at once in some dimly lit, narrow hallway but simultaneously out in the open with nothing but the horizon in every direction. The ground gave very little with every step; neither too firm nor very soft. There may have been a chill in the air but I was sheltered, shielded from the discomfort of any harsh environment.

There was a voice but it did not speak yet.