She [MF]

Someone on another forum inquired about the mystery woman in my first two chapters. This is not a definitive answer as there may be more to write but definitely a whisper from my muse for inspiration. Let me know what you feel.

She is my lust. She is that within me that responds to the female mystique. Often quiet for long periods but when active is known to be savage, almost brutal in her torture of me. She is desire incarnate. She is my eye that cannot help but seek her out. She is that ephemeral mainline energy that is part of what connects spirit to universe. She is undeniable, relentless, when aroused. She hides peeking at me from low cut dresses, the curve of an ass, the small fragile hairs on a neck. She rides the winds of scents that are unbearable in their demands of longing. She is a laugh, a cry, a moan. She sighs from shadows hidden in gestures. She is the sweep of fingers down a naked back. She is that traiterous temptress that wears many faces of women I know and many I don’t. She calls from many dimensions to answer my unfettered mind’s desires. She almost never shows her true face, instead leaving me to wonder if she was truly there. All I know for sure is that she is eternal and she is Holy, but as she reminds me with a blush, so was Lucifer and Lilith, as she stares at my hands, with a small pert bitten lip.

Chapter 2 No Words [MF] [Mystery] [Seduction]

Second part. May be more to come.
Let me know what you feel.

The company I worked for had a booth in New Orleans near the Mardi Gras parades. They held a booth there every year in the Downtown Assembly Center. They kept a slew of rooms and apartments around town, some uptown, some in the French Quarter and some in the neighborhoods nearby. Those employees working the booth got first pick and the rest went up for auction. I was assigned to the booth on Fat Tuesday all day but would have the rest of the time off. It was a sweet deal and I took it. I chose one of the rooms they keep closer to Frenchmen St., one of my music haunts. I did not get out much but when I did it was to listen to live music in the best damn place to hear it on earth. The atmosphere there in the alleys, gutters, and neon, doors that have not closed in decades, is like nothing else. It’s elegance and decadence holding court in a dungeon of storefronts, and alleyways.

Chapter 1 Glitch in the Matrix [MF] [Mystery] [Exhibitionism]

First time poster and first erotica written. Would love to hear what you felt when reading.

Send…….aaand done. Last email of the afternoon. I sighed heavily as I leaned back in my chair. One of the last in the office, I stared out the window at a blazing red sunset as my mind shifted into neutral. I could still feel the wheels of my brain spinning of their own accord. It would be a good 20 minutes before I returned to consciousness, the silence, glorious silence, waiting patiently as my weariness sank through my body into my feet and finally into the carpet under my desk. I always ended the day this way. I preferred to leave a clean slate and task list for the morning so I could slowly spin up instead of the normal chaos that could ensue at any moment.